russ olin
Closed Account
Got alittle pissed yesterday & lost my cool. Got up early to make the 50 mile trip down to Farmington NM. Got to Sams Club around 8:45 like we usually do. Usually your are allowed to shop at 9. After the elitist are done shopping since 7am opening time. Well, we walk in the door this employee asked to see our card in a unfriendly way. And informs us that we cannot shop until 10am now. Nobody gave us a email or notification about this new rule. Got pissed off and told the gal to go F herself & walked out. Had the dogs in the truck, we cant sit there for a extra hour twiddling our thumbs. Cant believe they would actually turn away paying customers. And the fact is there was hardly anyone in their stupid store. This is why a don't give a hoot for big chain stores. I can walk in any store in Durango at any time whether it be our specialty meat store or just good old Wally world. If I go to Wally world I go @ 7am to beat the crowds & they don't throw me out the door. Were done with Sams. When the card renews we wont be renewing it. So stopped at Lowes on the way out of Farmington just to look at their BBQ stuff & bought one thing of rub & came home. Over a 120 mile trip to get some rub LOL. Oh well, I did get to drive the war dept's new truck.