Hi Rich, I know, I read your other post. That is why I posted these.Joan, Thanks for posting these. I'm on a salt restricted diet so these will be tried. Always on the prowl for salt free or low sodium recipes.
Not only is this good rubbed on your steaks, but you can add 1 tsp. to your rice water.
Hi Lee, same here (well, not in a rice cooker. lol) Can't wait to try this also. Thanks for letting me know.I'll have to try this! The wife and I make a lot of rice in the rice cooker. I'm always looking for ways to spice it up!
No apologies necessary Joan. You put a lot of work into this. Probably deserves a pin from Chris just as a resource file. A lot of people have to have no or low salt for health reasons, and this is a boon for them.bumping (sorry, a little late) for those who are making pop-corn tonight but can't have salt.
I do the same, but I have a question for you: Do you vary the amount of salt depending on the cur of meat? For instance, do you use less salt percentage on a rack of ribs than on a pork butt?Here you'll find a bunch I wrote for this forum 10-15 years ago. I rarely mix salt into rubs, far preferring to salt the meat first, allow it to sit, then apply the rub over the salt. Works best for adherence and because there is no salt in the rub you can use as little or as much as you want without affecting the salt level, not something you can do with typical rub mixes.