Brian Thomas
Royal Oak 15.4 LB bags on sale at Lowe's for $4 ea. Sale runs through 6/20.
I've never used royal oak. Kbb & stubs are my goto's. How is it?
It has a nice aroma and doesn't burn as hot as KBB, so I prefer it for smoking in the WSM. I wouldn't use it for any recipe that calls for high heat grilling, though.
The best thing about it IMO is that it doesn't put out the white fog on start up the way that KBB does.
It is good stuff for low and slow cooking/smoking.
the stuff on sale is in a new bag and says hardwood charcoal. I have used royal oak for like forever and have never had call to question it. as to the snake way, I have never tried it nor do I see a need for it. just me. if you want to do that system then maybe alter it a bit and see if that works. just because it fails once in what you are trying to do does not automatically condemn the charcoal. experiment till you find what works for you.
Well I tried the stuff again last night with no luck. Filled a chimney starter lit and let it go for 1/2 hour spread the coal on two sides and could barley hit 350 in my 22"weber kettle.
The 22" kettle is a cavernous grill (in my opinion), does the same amount of Kingsford make for good grilling temps in this size grill.
The 22" kettle is a cavernous grill (in my opinion), does the same amount of Kingsford make for good grilling temps in this size grill.
Maybe you wait to long. I never wait that long. And on my kettle I can grill or smoke at temps like that for hours. Why the need for such high temps ?
Forgot to welcome you to the forum, Jim.![]()
I’ve used KBB on my 22 for decades, never had a problem that I was not the source. Rusty, what makes you say the 22 Kettle is cavernous? I find it terribly easy to manage and not a miserable consumer of fuel in the least. I know people that use far more fuel than necessary but, that’s not the kettles fault.
Welcome Jim, enjoy the ride!