Rotisserie herb chicken.


Jason Noble

TVWBB All-Star
For Christmas my parents gave me the weber roti, today I tried it out for the first time. I went with a Americas Test Kitchen recipe that used fresh parsley, thyme, rosemary, garlic, lemon zest, salt and pepper. I rubed the herb paste under the skin and on the outside of the bird.

004 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

Bird went on with a small peice of apple wood.

005 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

Cooked for a little over an hour.

007 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

008 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

Served up with some rice and an artichoke. The bird had a great herb flavor and was nice in moist. I think next time I'll put some cubed potatoes in the drip tray.
I think next time I'll put some cubed potatoes in the drip tray.
...and add a bit more apple wood to your coal;)
Bird looks Spectacular Jason!
Your folks are fine people!
I'm going to show this to Maribel and remind here that a rotisserie is something that can be used in our home. :)
You did real fine there my friend, that looks like a superb chicken cook. Your going to get a lot of use out of that gift.

that bird looks awesome but I'm drawn to the steamed artichoke. I haven't had one in years and that's too long.

