Room Temperature or Chilled Beef?


Best temperature beef for grilling?

  • Room Temperature out 1-2 hours before

    Votes: 17 60.7%
  • Chilled right out of the refrigerator on the grill

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Out for hours in a climate controlled setting

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


TVWBB Wizard
I wil be grilling fresh store bought flank steak tonight, and took it out of the refrigerator to marinate with Lea & Perrins as I usually do.

I was curious and looked on line and read that some recommend taking beef right from the refrigerator to the grill.

I have always taken the beef out at least 1-2 hours, sometimes longer and have never had any problems with bacteria. My house is climate controlled-AC. I have a sealed marinating tray that holds liquid and allows turning over without leaking, fwiw

I made a poll, since some might be hesitant to state the point of view that it’s ok to leave meat out in an airtight container for many hours.
I don't think it makes much of a difference at all....I cook flank almost weekly with marinade.
I usually take it out while the grill gets up to temp.
20 minutes sitting usually is what happens to me.
I go for rare.....just over a raw interior with as much heavy char as I can get.....within reason of course.
So for me cold steak in the grill is okay.
I usually have the grill insane indirect for a few minutes, just get that internal up to around 75 and get fire on it.
Might be weird, might be the only one but have had exceptional results.
I will vote accordingly.
For a flank I would leave it out for 45-60 minutes
Tri-tip for an hour+
Steaks for about 30-45 minutes

This would all be at room temp in my kitchen

I don't stress about leaving meat out but I also don't see a huge advantage in having it on the counter for an extended period of time.
I was reading different web sites this morning and it seemed like most recommended grilling right from the refrigerator, citing USDA guidelines.

I thought I would ask the folks here since I have always let beef get to room temperature before grilling.

My sister and brother in law drove up from North Carolina today for a visit and they grill all the time- seems like their methods are similar. My other siblings are vegetarian so can’t really ask them, lol.

Thanks to all for the replies so far.
There are so many " rules " that really do not apply.
You can leave the beef in the sink or on the counter for an extended amount of time with no bad results.
You can't go crazy or anything like overnight room temp for 16 hours.....but a few hours hurts nothing.
Cook chicken to 180 they say......make sure to pull the pork off the grill at 165 they say.........LIES.LIES.LIES.
I have been lately grilling my whole chickens, and double breast bone in until it reads 157 in the thick of the white meat.....
This usually sits and "rests" for a bit of course....but lately the white meat has never been so juicy or tender.....dark meat of course we know how it goes.
Honestly do what makes you feel comfortable.
I usually leave a huge cut like brisket or pork butt out for as long as I can......this is because it makes me feel like it will come up to temp faster and not spend years getting up to 165 internally. But I could be wrong of course.
There are so many " rules " that really do not apply.
You can leave the beef in the sink or on the counter for an extended amount of time with no bad results.
You can't go crazy or anything like overnight room temp for 16 hours.....but a few hours hurts nothing.
Cook chicken to 180 they say......make sure to pull the pork off the grill at 165 they say.........LIES.LIES.LIES.
I have been lately grilling my whole chickens, and double breast bone in until it reads 157 in the thick of the white meat.....
This usually sits and "rests" for a bit of course....but lately the white meat has never been so juicy or tender.....dark meat of course we know how it goes.
Honestly do what makes you feel comfortable.
I usually leave a huge cut like brisket or pork butt out for as long as I can......this is because it makes me feel like it will come up to temp faster and not spend years getting up to 165 internally. But I could be wrong of course.
Yes, I agree with what you are saying.

I was reading between the lines of the websites saying don’t leave beef out before grilling, a CYA factor if you will.

But I have been wrong before, often if you ask my wife.

But married 31 years, so I guess she would know.
I was reading different web sites this morning and it seemed like most recommended grilling right from the refrigerator, citing USDA guidelines.

I thought I would ask the folks here since I have always let beef get to room temperature before grilling.

My sister and brother in law drove up from North Carolina today for a visit and they grill all the time- seems like their methods are similar. My other siblings are vegetarian so can’t really ask them, lol.

Thanks to all for the replies so far.
I like my veggies at room temp too. Leaves for a more pink center in them 😂
I get my grill ripping hot, then put the prepped steaks on straight from the fridge.
This has nothing to do with any health/hygiene issues rather than I can throw the steak on the grill, with gay abandon, and get a good char knowing I can move it to indirect and bring it up to 125IT. This is for steaks at least 1" thick. I never order steak any more when going out to eat, as I can do it much better as I'm sure loads of folks here can to.
My 0.02p.
I get my grill ripping hot, then put the prepped steaks on straight from the fridge.
This has nothing to do with any health/hygiene issues rather than I can throw the steak on the grill, with gay abandon, and get a good char knowing I can move it to indirect and bring it up to 125IT. This is for steaks at least 1" thick. I never order steak any more when going out to eat, as I can do it much better as I'm sure loads of folks here can to.
My 0.02p.
Idk if you’ve tried it or even would want to, but a NY Strip, 2-2.5” thick, salted for 30 minutes at room temps make for an amazing searing steak. Nearly impossible to overcook, a nice seared outside and pink middle. Truly one of the best ways I cook this cut. 128-130° IT and rest it for 10 minutes before slicing.
Agree Brett. The thicker the steak the bigger the error margin. I usually grill steaks that are about 1.5" thick, but that's getting expensive these days.
i just buy the whole loin, uncut, and cut my own steaks at home and freeze them. last full loin was around $7.90 a pound, in cryovac. retail they we $11.50 a pound, cut and in a 3 steak pack, IIRC. we went through our stash in around 3-4 months time.
I voted, but I will grill from frozen or warmer. Just adjust for how it is grilling......
I read about grilling frozen beef for the first time today.

Learned my new thing.

I guess it is well known among tvwbb members?

I'm not a chef--nor will I ever be a chef--but I have never had beef to come to room temp (~70f) before cooking it. I generally allow my meat to sit on the counter for no more than 30 minutes. This doesn't mean I'm right; it's just my method. I think my beef, pork, and poultry is in the range of 40's f when they hit the heat.
Out a few hours and wrapped.
Ignore my previous comment. I thought the question was regarding handling the meat AFTER it's been grilled.

And now to answer the actual question being asked: If I'm not cold smoking the meat before grilling, it can come right out of the fridge and onto the grill. Of course in this case (no pre-grill cold smoke), I will have dry brined and/or marinated the meat hours beforehand and kept it in the fridge until the fire is ready.

I've watched chefs say leave the meat out and other say it makes no difference. From my personal experiences, I find no difference, neither in the cooking process, nor in taste or texture of the finished product.

