Ribs overnight?


Mary M

As usual, I'm time-constrained on this weekend's cook: getting home late Friday night, off to appointments 9 Saturday morning, going directly from there to a party at 4 where I'm supposed to bring ribs. Yeah. So, my question is: do you think it's possible to overnight a couple racks of ribs, foil 'em in the AM and then it'll be all good at 4?
when i cook ribs,
baby backs are done in about 4 hours...
spares in 5 or so hours.
do you sleep??:rolleyes:

i would not chance it.
Err....what is this "sleep" of which you speak?

Real ribs, not baby backs. But I take your point. Plan B...possibly a butt overnight...
Err....what is this "sleep" of which you speak?

Real ribs, not baby backs. But I take your point. Plan B...possibly a butt overnight...
sleep is that thing that happens (to me) while i'm at work ;)
butt is good.
butt is safe overnight.
I've done many overnight butts. Never done overnight ribs. Of course who's to sat that's not how they're suppose to be done?!?! LOL
Mary, consider making the ribs a day or so before, letting them cool, and then vacuuming them. If you heat them in boiling water they won't cook anymore, and should TAste like they're right off the smoker.


I've done many ribs on a weekend and then took them into work and reheated in a toaster oven, came out great. Just reheat them at about 250 for 60-90 minutes wrapped in foil.

