Ribs For the Fourth



TVWBB Gold Member
I did some ribs for the 4th and tried a couple of new things (new for me at least). I started with a beautifu rack of locally sourced SLR's

I used my current favorite rub combo of Penzeys BBQ 3001 and a Memphis Dust rub I make.

I also made my bourbon bbq sauce.

Into the cooker at 275 until the bark set with a mix of cherrywood and hickory

After 2 hours the bark was set so I foiled it with a bit of brown sugar, some honey, and a miw of applejuice and apple cider vinegar

After an hour and a half they passed the toothpick test. I removed them from the foil and sauced them and set them back into the cooker for about 25 minutes.

And here is the finished product.

This was the first time I foiled ribs and my first experience at a slightly higher temp. I previously cooked them at 225-250. I took some tips from Harry Soo as well as some members here and these were the best ribs I've cooked yet. Thank you so much for taking the time to look.
Thanks Bob and James. A number of your posts have given me a lot of tips to glean from. Guys like you really give newbies like myself a lot of confidence and encouragement and I want to thank you for that. Happy 4th guys.
Very nice ribs and sides. I know those ribs came out great because I did mine yesterday exactly the same way and they were great. Harry Soo's method works very well.
Awesome job on the ribs they look so delicious and the side dishes WOW! Your wife did great.

