ribs and chicken simultaneously?


Alfred Y

TVWBB Member
Looking to cook the ribs at around 275, using a 2-1.25-.25 method.

Should I put the chicken on the bottom rack when I wrap the ribs? Or should I just cook them entirely separately?

What about the water pan during all of this? I usually cook my chicken without the water pan, but I usually cook ribs usually with a little water in the water pan.

Any help would be appreicated!!
I'd put the chicken on top as it'll be done before the ribs. BUT the skin won't be crispy at 275o (if that's what you want) as you need higher heat (325o) . You can still do the chicken at 275 then when done, give them a quick toss on your gas/charcoal grill to crisp them up (you may already be doing this).

You don't need water in the pan if you use a foiled terra cotta saucer in it (the saucer helps to moderate the temp swings, as does water). However, the saucer method requires better temp control on your part. Either water or saucer will work. You've already done it with no water so you should be OK. None of the food that goes in a WSM requires water in the pan.
The ribs will cook nicely at 275 but the chicken...You'll want 350 if skin matters, if skin doesn't matter then you can cook them together. I'd rather have ribs drip on chicken than chicken drip on ribs. If you have a stand for the chicken, just put it in an aluminum tray and that will catch the drips if cooking the chicken on top and the ribs on bottom
Makes no diff if chick drips on ribs. It's all being cooked anyways so anything "bad" is killed at the temps being used.
thanks guys,

crispy skin does matter to me. i do have a gas grill, but i really want the charcoal taste when I sear them.

i'll probably cook them separately today!
People ask me why I need so many "grills". This is why. Not everything gets cooked the same way. My chicken goes on a kettle indirect. Tons of flavor, great skin.
ribs and chicken is a popular combo in my household and ive done it many times as others described here, but now I do the reverse(ribs on top chicken on bottom) because I didn't care for what the chicken drippings did to the texture of the ribs. When I do the combo I let the smoker hit 300 degrees and call it good, dial the air vents back 50% and let it chug till the chicken internal hits desired temp. Pull rib rack off top and pull out chicken, let ribs go another 30 min.. water pan dry covered with foil.

