Ribeyes and Asparagus (Photos)


Andy Erickson

Wife picked up a pack of four bone in ribeyes from the store for $3.77 a pound about two weeks ago. I cooked two the day she brought them home and put the other two in the freezer for later. Well later came tonight. I told her, at that price she should have bought everything they had.


Here they are rubbed with Plowboy's Bovine Bold

Here are five to six asparagus sprigs wrapped with a piece of bacon.

Food on the grill after the first turn.

After three minutes per side over direct, moved the steaks to indirect to finish up.

Steaks off the grill and resting while asparagus finishes up.

Asparagus finished.

Plated up.

Everything tasted as good as it looks. The steaks were slightly overcooked so they were between MR and Medium, whereas we like our steaks MR. But it wouldn't be a cook if I didn't find something that I can improve on for next time.

Stole the asparagus idea from Bob Correll. A lot easier to cook this way as the individual asparagus sprigs are hard to turn and they can fall in between the grates and into the fire. They also tasted great.
Hey Andy - That not only looked like a fun cook, but a darn right tasty one. You better keep that wife of yours. She is a real shopper. You repaid her well though. That was an awesome looking meal. Nice job. Bob
Great looking cook Andy!

Terrific grill marks, even on the bacon!

Thanks for the bacon/asparagus wrap credit, but it's just something I picked up myself on this great forum.
Looks good and I like the ideal of bacon wrapped around the asparagus I'll try it the next time asparagus is on the menu!
Wow, great looking steaks and asparagus!
I like the cast iron grill, were can I get my hands on one. Seems like it would be a great compromise to the full grill replacement.
I love this cast iron grill. It sits right on top of the regular Weber grate and I can just take it off when I don't want to use it. It is a Lodge Logic and I got it from Amazon for like $30 about a year ago. They have now went up in price, but I feel it is still well worth the money because of its flexibility. For instance, lighting a chimney from the charcoal grate is easier with the standard Weber grate as opposed to removing the full Cast Iron grate.

I can't find it from Amazon anymore, but here it is from Lodge Logic.
Cast Iron
Thanks Andy! You describe perfectly what I am looking for! My birthday is 2 weeks away and this would be the perfect gift from my wife Sal so I'll start dropping the hints to her now.
Thanks again!

