Reverse seared ribeye


J Grotz

TVWBB Wizard
There’s a big discussion going on about reverse searing in the grilling forum. I love the reverse sear so I thought I would share my only cook of the long weekend. It’s a choice boneless ribeye from Costco. I bought a ribeye roast and cut it into steaks and froze them a few months ago
There’s a full chimney of K Pro under the ear of corn. The indirect side was at about 400.

About 15 minutes later, it was at an internal temp of 110. I took it off the grill and let it rest while the wife and I split the ear of corn. During the rest (outside next to the grill in 100+ heat) the internal temp rose to 123.

I then seared it over direct high heat. My grill has a movable coal bed, so I raised the coals within an inch of the grate. I seared it one minute on each side. I forgot to take a pic of the steak before I cut it up and topped it with bleu cheese. It had a really nice crust.

What I like about the reverse sear is that there’s no grey band around the outside. It is almost sous vide like. With a remote thermometer like Thermoworks Smoke, the reverse sear is easy.
I really like your grill. 👍 (even if this is a Webercentric forum)

Steak looks great too!
Thanks Greg! I got it from local retailer BBQs Galore; it was their house brand at the time, Bar-B-Chef. I've really enjoyed it. It's so handy to have a Santa Maria mechanism built into the grill. It shines on reverse sear cooks like this. I'm getting more Webercentric; after seeing so many vortex cooks, I picked up a kettle off CL and bought a new vortex.

Yep a doodie, that last photo sums it all up. Fantastic post.
Thanks, Cliff! Stay safe from all the fires and smoke up there.

Looks perfect, nice cook.
Thank, Rich!

