Return of Wood Handles!?!

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jim, if ya find a few extra, send 'em my way !
thanks buddy
George, I'm dying here... can not BELIEVE people aren't knockin' down my door selling me their wood.
NOT 1 stinkin' reply.
the wood handles I do own, I've cleaned up nicely using steel wool and tung oil... three coats and they look spectacular!
An email I sent to Weber with their response:
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 12:40 PM
To: Lampe James
Subject: Ticket: E1BF20B4BD504 Re: Weber hardwood handles

Hello Jim Lampe,
Thank you for your email.
There are no current plans to go back to the wooden handles.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
If you need further assistance, please let me know.
Weber/ Ducane Customer Service
1890 North Roselle Road Ste. 308
Schaumburg, IL. 60195.

Is Weber bringing back the hardwood handles that were replaced by
I certainly hope so.
Thank you for your time.

Jim Lampe
Milwaukee Wisconsin
If the wood handles on the new Weber fireplaces are the same as on the older kettles, one would think that at some future date they will have replacements.

A search shows the fireplace showing up on more sites, including Target.
Target's may be online only, so don't go browsing at your local Target with a screwdriver in your pocket
jim, i had a guy send me some wood handles from his unused kettle years ago. but thats been it. as to the new fireplace, i sure hope i'm wrong. time will tell.
George, I have all these nice new plastic handles now and, you'd think, someone with wood handles "wood" wanna trade.
Well, I will just keep truckin' along lookin' for 'em.
Guess I don't NEED 'em on the smoker butt I'd like to replace the plastic on the grills and the weather-damaged wood on the fireplace.
i started to make some out of a large dowel but got lazy. now i think i will go ahead and do that for a temporary fix. anything will be better than the plastic.
Originally posted by Jered Crews:
Weber schematic diagram from the Fireplace 1991-1995 looks exactly like this. I'm thinking they just found some dead stock.
From 12 years ago.
No way.
I think they tried some plastic ones on the new fireplace, and decided they looked too tacky.

They just don't worry/care about how the grills, and WSM's look.
bryan, not sure you read my post were i saw on a current weber site of another country that showed the fireplace with plastic handles. again i hope i'm wrong but just don't see weber supplying both.
Originally posted by Bob Correll:
I think they tried some plastic ones on the new fireplace, and decided they looked too tacky.
or were melting. That fireplace could/would get very hot. Wood handles would hold up better and not get as hot one would think.
One on eBay. Says new, be sure to use eBay pic zoom to view closeup.

BTW, you guys speculating they are just selling NOS, didn't the old wood handles have "Weber" emossed only once? These have "Weber" embossed twice!

Also, just because they are on the reintroduced FirePlace, doesn't mean they are being reintroduced for grills. So the above email response saying "no current plans to go back to wooden handles" isn't necessarily incorrect.

I was merely pointing out that you might be able to order new handles for "your" old FirePlace (wink, wink). You know, because yours are weathered and aged and all....
Call me a heretic, but I quite like plastic handles. I haven't had any problems with them, and I think they look quite nice.

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