Restore of G 5000



TVWBB Member
I haven't finish cleaning yet but even now I'm ready for the conquest, is any of other producer can show grate in this condition after 30 years ? I don't think so ...


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Yes, I have found those old stamped steel, porcelain plated grates to sometimes have an amazing ability to survive and clean up amazingly.

Maybe 1/10 are salvageable on the rehabs I pick up. Unless it is just very minor rust on the bottom edges, I consider them toast. I would never put a used set of those on a rehab/flip grill unless someone asked for them. SS solid rod grates are just not much more expensive and people love the bling. I have a couple sets of those and one or two SS stamped steel grate sets as well that I could clean up and put on a flip grill, but I just don't bother. I probably should. I keep telling myself I will used them on giveaway grills.
I agree with you Bruce. I have just been surprised to find ANY stamped steel grates worth saving but have actually found some. For an historical restoration like a Genesis 1 or Jr. I would use them. I don’t think they are the best for grilling or longevity overall.
Of course You are right. But I was trully amazed when after first look I saw almost clean great without porcelain damages. I'm doing these restore for my showroom not for grilling and orginal 30 years old grate should make some impression for customers..


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That one looks almost perfect! If you are trying for historical accuracy, it will definitely contribute.

So, when you say it is for your showroom, I am very curious what you mean. Is it grill related or something else that you just want to use a classic Weber as a display item? Sounds like something I would like to do!
How can we be sure the grates are original? Like a set of spark plugs on a car, it would be pretty tough to tell if they were the ones that came with the car from the factory or if they had been replaced at some point in it's life.
How can we be sure the grates are original? Like a set of spark plugs on a car, it would be pretty tough to tell if they were the ones that came with the car from the factory or if they had been replaced at some point in it's life.
Not 100% sure but It comes from the first owner with paper and all things. He has not to many reasons to tell lies to me. So propably nothing was changed from the begining ...
Jaskółka oknówka,
Ten wygląda prawie idealnie! Jeśli starasz się o dokładność historyczną, z pewnością się to przyczyni.

Więc kiedy mówisz, że to dla twojego salonu, jestem bardzo ciekawy, co masz na myśli. Czy jest to związane z grillem, czy coś innego, po prostu chcesz użyć klasycznego Webera jako elementu wystawowego? Brzmi jak coś, co chciałbym zrobić!
Not 100% sure but It comes from the first owner with paper and all things. He has not to many reasons to tell lies to me. So propably nothing was changed from the begining ...
Yah, I see no reason for him to lie about something like that. And no reason to change out 25 year old spark plugs if they are working like new.
If you are setting it up as a showroom piece, that original paperwork is worth its weight in gold IMO.

I just noticed you are in Poland. I wish I had gone there to visit while I was stationed in the Army in Germany when the wall went down.
Steam-N-Chips box :) only cleaning ...


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I think they are fine as long as you put your chips inside foil first. There are better smoker options but if you want an historically correct classic Weber they are very appropriate. If you wrap your chips in foil you can easily lift the used pouch out and add a new one without touching your grates or food.
The thing with those "smokers" is they don't put the smoke "under" the food. It emits at grate level, and simply goes out the back. You also lose some of your grill space. So I did pay quite a lot of $$$ for it but I tossed mine in the trash. I did save the little stainless water cup though. I use that to hold smoke ships and cover it with foil, then nestle it in between flavo bars. It's the most useful part of that Weber kit LOL
Looks like that grill wasn't used that much and also possibly stored in a dry area. Even before cleaning they looked decent. Not much grease and no rust.
I had a lot of grills with these type of grates and most of these grates were trash. Crusted, lots of rust and many broken welds. Even soaking in soapy water for days did not help. I gave up on cleaning them and threw them in the trash. I replaced them with cheap aftermarket SS grates.
Stefan, my thoughts exactly on those old grates. When you can buy a new set of decent SS solid rod grates for $30, there little to no reason to bother with those used and nasty old stamped steel grates.
I guess I have been lucky with the couple sets of stamped grates that I have recovered in nice shape. I doubt they were original. I also agree they are nothing to get really excited about except if you are doing a collector-type restoration and want historical accuracy. That also goes with the Weber "Steam N Chip" smoker which is nowhere as good as some under grate ones you can get on Amazon. But, again, for an historical curiosity - or if you are just fiercely loyal to OEM Weber - they still have their place to me.
Minor progress ... I'm shocked, the parts that looked tragic at the start are in really great condition. Top shelves and flavorized bars after polishing will be like new ... They do not do such things anymore :( and I do not mean only Weber but everything ... Boring work and propably new would cost less but... Satisfaction is priceless :)


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