Recent Addition


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
My lovely wife bought me a present. I've been viewing so many posts about the Weber OTG 26.75" that I recently decided I "needed" one. I'm really excited and will post some pic's of my first cook soon. It's not a kettle I'll use every day, but it sure will be nice for those big cooks and totally awesome during the holidays and turkey time.

Thanks for viewing.
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I don't use mine as much as I should, but it's simply awesome when I do fire it up. The real estate difference between this and a 22 is amazing.
Congrats on both the grill and having an awesome wife. :D
Sounds like we both have great wives, mine got me my 26'er for V-day.

I have only used my 22 once since then, and only because the 26 had something on it.

I think you'll enjoy it.

