Re Heating Pulled Pork


David Collier

Just finished a 24 hour smoke (Renoun Mr Brown)of 6- 8lb Butts yesterday. Pulled after 1 hour resting and refrigerated. Serving a party at 5:30tonight.....Give me your best thoughts on how to re-heat and keep moist. I am thinking using a warmer at 200 degrees in foiled covered 12 x 12 x 4 inch pans for two hours, maybe just a little water in the bottom when beginning to heat..? So - how long will a pan this size take to heat for serving temp at 200 degrees without drying it out?? Thanks for your thoughts!!!
Hello Dave. If you have a vacuum sealer. I would put it there and then when ready to heat it up. Put it right in a pot of water and boil it up vacuum sealed and all Maybe about 20min or so? When I cook for a party I usually make my pulled pork a week or so in advance and freeze it in the vacuum sealed bags with my sauce. Then the day of the party i do what I said above. To me and my Family friends that have had both of my pulled porks. Meaning the day of the smoke and a week or so later say they can’t tell the difference. One other way I heated it up when it wasn’t frozen. Was to put it in a pot with my sauce to warm up. Then put in a pan and then onto The sterno‘s. I hope this helps! Good luck!.
If heating up in a pan or aluminum tray, I’d add some moisture to the PP. Apple juice along with some of the rub you used for the bark. As you warm the PP up the moisture will steam back into the meat and prevent dried out PP. If it looks a little dry after heating, you could also then add some AJ and your seasoning. You can also dilute your AJ so it’s flavor isn’t pronounced.
As Darryl already mentioned, sous vide is ideal for reheating pulled pork. A good option if you don’t have access to an immersion circulator is to vacuum seal and drop in boiling water. If no vacuum sealer just use zip loc bag and lower slowly into the hot water to force out air and then zip it up
Probably too late but I would put in pans and heat in a 300 deg oven ( stirring often ) until I hit 140, then put it into warming trays.
Trying to reheat cold pork at 200 in a warmer will take forever.
As Darryl already mentioned, sous vide is ideal for reheating pulled pork. A good option if you don’t have access to an immersion circulator is to vacuum seal and drop in boiling water. If no vacuum sealer just use zip loc bag and lower slowly into the hot water to force out air and then zip it

While I sous vide myself, my neighbor goes cheap and simply double bags with a good quality zipper bag and putting on the stovetop in simmering water. Cuts the chance of a penetrating leak in half. Me, I'd rather cut it to near zero by sucking and dunking, plus I get to control the temp. But in a pinch his method can be used.
I have mine frozen in sealed vacuum bags and microwave them. When the bag starts to puff up they're hot. Of course I'm only doing two sandwich worth at a time. Yeah you can overheat it and dry it out for sure my son's done that a time or two.

If I was to reheat a large quantity at once, I'd probably steam it
We vacuum seal and freeze our left-overs in meal size portions for the 2 of us. After defrosting we put them in a steamer with apple juice. Never drys out that way.

