

Timothy Hoffman

TVWBB All-Star
With the abundance of fresh local veggies I decided to make ratatouille on the grill.

All local grown except the onion, garlic and mushrooms. The mushrooms didnt make it into the dish for some reason.


Finished with accompanying Italian Sausage.

Yes, local is the way to go. Where else are you going to get such a nice blemish free eggplant?

Speaking of local, there are quite a few farmer stands in the area. Most are very good. The Garden Shed that I got most of the veggies from in the first picture has 5 acres and is really inexpensive. The eggplant was $1, zucchini/yellow squash 3 for $1, bell peppers 75cents, plum tomatoes 4 for $1.

One market really stands out in my mind and not in a good way. This stand has things like peaches, pineapple, mango. I am in central Wisconsin. Also most of the other fruits and veggies have store stickers on them. I wouldn't have a problem with that if they are at a good price, but they are usually double what the store charges.

Anyway, I will be making this again tonight. Maybe this time I will remember to top it with Parmigiano Reggiano, not local but so worth it.

