Rack of Pork


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Had this rack of pork in the freezer and decided it was time to cook it.

Rubbed with SuckleBusters Hog Waller rub about 6 hours prior to putting it on the grill and then added some black pepper. On the Performer and cooked it at 275-300* with a couple of chunks of maple wood. Also put on a head of garlic for some mashed potatoes.

Pulled at 145* and rested for 20 minutes


Served with Garlic,shredded cheese and cream cheese mashed potatoes and green beans.

I have never had this before but it sure won't be the last. My wife really enjoyed it also.
WOW there John that looks fantastic

You are posting so great looking dinners!

Thanks and keep them coming
Where On Earth Are You Going With All This Great Food You're Cookin' Up??!!
HolyMoley! Everything Is Lookin' Spectacular! WOW!
Great work John.

Not sure if your pictures are keeping me going or causing me despair while I'm away from my grill for three months.
Originally posted by Steve Cutchen:
Awesome! Did you French the ribs or did they come that way?

Also, were the green beans oven roasted?

They were frenched already but poorly. I had to clean it up quite a bit.

The green beans were tossed in a hot hot pan with olive oil and seasoned with some rub and black pepper.
Originally posted by Steve Cutchen:
Awesome! Did you French the ribs or did they come that way?

Also, were the green beans oven roasted?

They were frenched already but poorly. I had to clean it up quite a bit.

The green beans were tossed in a hot hot pan with olive oil and seasoned with some rub and black pepper.

I had the same issue with NZ lamb chops that I bought from Sam's. Not only needed a lot of cleanup, but there was a nasty membrane that had to be pulled as well. (Saw a show on Food Network, Mexican Made Easy, where the cook didn't remove this membrane. Yuck!)

On the beans, we do something similar. Toss in olive oil, spread on a sheet pan, season with kosher salt and black pepper... into a 425F oven, top rack 'til they look awesome like yours do. Almost ANY veggie is amazing this way.

