Question RE: Genesis 1000 series vs Silver/Gold/Platinum manifold & frame use

Genesis Silver C - ? About valves & knobs

I previously mentioned that I picked up this Genesis Silver C for $50. I brought it home last night (when I should have been doing taxes:eek:) so here are some pictures of what I got:



Foil lined bottom tray - a big no-no!



The grill was dirty, but I was really surprised how nice the burners and flavorizer bars turned out to be. The stainless grates are not rcplanebuyer thick but neither are they light weight or too widely spaced, at least to me. The one big disappointment is that the side burner valve is totally frozen. That is probably why the control knob is gone. I plan to make my first foray into valve disassembly and lubrication as recommended by Larry Michaels and as shown on the video clip Chris put up. I hope I can save this one.

Any thoughts about salvaging a valve that won’t budge even with pliers?

I love the black knobs. I plan to use these and the side burner - if I can fix it - in my “Chicago” Skyline grill. If I can’t get them to look good enough I may repaint black, but at least the base color will also be black. I ordered a replacement for the side burner knob which differs from the regular knobs due to its short stem. I expect it will be gray and have to be well painted to make black to match.

Anyone have experience with successfully painting plastic knobs?

I have already fired up and used this old gem. It has been a number of years since I grilled with an older Genesis; it was a little like coming home:o. I like the E-W burners and the stainless steel grates left nice sear marks. Still want to do some comparison videos of different grates, but that is for another time and thread.

If I don’t use this frame for my Skyline I think I will just try to clean it all up and retain its status as a nice Silver C.
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Awesome grill. And I noticed those black knobs right away as well. I would think that painting gray ones black would be tough. If you do, just make sure you use a paint designed for plastic. They do make some for that purpose. Regular paints are likely to chip away quickly.
Just disassemble the valve. I have had them like that (not able to turn at all) and once disassembled a little scotch brite pad and some WD40 lean things right up in prep for the proper lubrication
Just disassemble the valve. I have had them like that (not able to turn at all) and once disassembled a little scotch brite pad and some WD40 lean things right up in prep for the proper lubrication

Thanks, Larry!
I will definitely give that a try (though maybe after 4/15). I will report back on how I did.

Awesome grill. And I noticed those black knobs right away as well. I would think that painting gray ones black would be tough. If you do, just make sure you use a paint designed for plastic. They do make some for that purpose. Regular paints are likely to chip away quickly.

I was hoping I could get by without painting any of them, but at least the black knobs painted black would be more forgiving if scratched. The side burner knob wouldn’t see as much action, but getting the right paint would be pretty important. Not much chance of getting a black replacement. I have seen Krylon plastic specific spray paint but noticed that Rustoleum 2X advertises that it also works on plastic. I really like that paint, so I will have to experiment with some worn out knobs first.

Just disassemble the valve. I have had them like that (not able to turn at all) and once disassembled a little scotch brite pad and some WD40 lean things right up in prep for the proper lubrication

P.s. That’s why you are the guru!:o
Larry, do you know if a guy can buy just the valve parts on a manifold. The back one on my personal Genny 1000 is a bit trashed. I think the previous owner forced it a few times. I took them all apart and cleaned and lubed them when I rehabbed it, and I noticed the one looked "forced". It is a little hard to turn on/off sometimes as it sticks and I think that is why the previous owner forced it. I can get it to turn fine if I just push down on it a little harder.

So, If I could just replace the one valve, that would be great but I haven't seen just those parts for sale.
Larry, do you know if a guy can buy just the valve parts on a manifold.

So, If I could just replace the one valve, that would be great but I haven't seen just those parts for sale.


My guess is that the only realistic way is to try to obtain some extras from otherwise trashed older Genesis grills. I guess it is our spring here, because older Webers are popping up! There is what appears to be a 1000 not too far from me where the guy had dropped down to $20!! The slide tray and manifold are worth more than that. It looks ugly but not at all unredeemable. If it were red or an unusual color I would probably get further behind on my taxes (and deeper in trouble with my wife) and buy it, but I already have too many unfinished. I am not sure what all I have, but when I can breathe for a minute I could look and see what I have and if I could pull off a single valve for you if you are interested.

Joh, I really appreciate the offer. But don't canabalize any of your grills/manifolds for that. Like you said, there will be grills popping up on CL soon enough up north here. I will come up with a wreck or two and find the parts I need. But the offer is truly appreciated. Thanks.
Yeah sadly Bruce I can't think of any way to acquire them either. Maybe some judicious touch up with some 1000 or 2000 grit on the cones and shaft would help. I have done that
I finally had a genesis 1 show up not far from here and the jackass wants 200 for it. It's in worse shape than the one I bought for 20.
The valve on my grill I can tell was forced a couple time past its normal stop points. When I took it apart and cleaned it, I tried to bend the "cone" or sleeve back to normal but I think there is something generally wrong with the valve. It still sticks trying to turn it on sometimes and I have to play with it. When I first tried it, I couldn't get it to go past that point at all, no matter how hard I pushed down before turning. Like I said, I have it working better now, but it still does stick some times. I am just going to find a donor manifold and replace the whole thing or maybe just the valve.
I do have a Genesis Silver manifold spare, but it is that one with two extra ports on it. So, it is kind of special and I dont want to cannibalize that one. I will find one this spring I am sure.
Larry, do you know if a guy can buy just the valve parts on a manifold. The back one on my personal Genny 1000 is a bit trashed. I think the previous owner forced it a few times. I took them all apart and cleaned and lubed them when I rehabbed it, and I noticed the one looked "forced". It is a little hard to turn on/off sometimes as it sticks and I think that is why the previous owner forced it. I can get it to turn fine if I just push down on it a little harder.

So, If I could just replace the one valve, that would be great but I haven't seen just those parts for sale.


I happened to come across this while looking for something else. I guess you can buy a single valve, but the price isn't too cheap and you then have to drill out the orifice yourself! I thought I would share just for interest's sake:
Thanks jon. That is a bit expensive. I will live with it until it fails and then probably find a valve off another manifold or a whole new manifold from a donor grill..

