Question on terminology

I'd say you're right, but I do not know for certain. A butt is definitely part of the leg; so that sounds right. It's basically the shoulder so it would be a front leg. I think if it was the rear leg they would have used the word "ham".
Allan - According to my National Pork Board chart, you are correct. The other portion of the shoulder is the picnic, you've got the top end or butt.

You should try a picnic or a whole shoulder sometime to compare two meats. They are different.

According to the National Pork Producers Council meat chart on this website, "leg of pork" refers to the back end of the hog, from which ham roasts are cut. The foreleg is denoted as "shoulder". That which we cook as pork butt roasts and picnic roasts are two halves of a whole pork shoulder. To me, "Butt Portion Leg of Pork" should mean a roast cut from the hind quarter nearest the pelvis.
The upper portion of the ham is referred to as "butt", the lower portion as "shank". You've got the upper portion of the rear leg.

So, I'm still a little confused. I think the -22*C is freezing my brain. Can I still do the pulled pork with this cut?
This cut is not conducive to pulled pork. It doesn't have the same structure, fat, and connective tissue. It's a fresh, uncured ham, so it can be cooked and sliced.

A search on fresh ham will give you some ideas on preparation.

So, no over-nighter, I'm just going to smoke'er until I can slice it up.

A little disappointing, but I'm sure there will be other opportunities.

