Michael Smotch
I just got my replacement for my cook box for this same issue. 2013 summit.looks hard to do.rotisserie wiring and gas line on side is a *****.
DaveW, interesting info about the firebox components being considered one part by Weber. I suspect they were within their right to apply different warranty conditions to the different components, replacing the firebox if the porcelain steel pieces failed within 2 years and not replacing if failure happened after that.
Except that in my case I'll never again consider a new Weber product. They lost me for life no matter what my finances are. Yeah if I come across a used XXXX and I feel like grabbing it I will. But case in point, my oldest daughter is getting married and they'll be buying a house. Bet your bottom $$$ their housewarming present grill will not be a Weber thanks to the shabby treatment. Yeah it's "just one" but I see no reason to buy one. Heck, it's akin to GM telling you "yeah we know that part is warranty but heck you're only 1000 miles from being out and 6 months so yeah we don't have the part................have a nice life". It would be your last GM product right? Heck I would have been happy if the rep said "you know we understand and would like to offer a $XX.XX credit on your new purchase" but no not even that. When I got that grill I was in a totally different financial situation than now. That $1500-$2000 means to me now 10x that amount thanks to being retired on a fixed income. So truly I wish someone from Weber looked at these forums and spoke up. But, while I love the way the Weber grills I own perform I would not purchase a new one.