Q & A Session with Chris

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Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame

You've been to a couple cooking schools (that I know about), you've got a nice family of Weber's, you're retired now, you've toured the Weber factory, you've hosted some premier BBQ craftsmen, you have great giveaways for contests and drawings, you are a go-to guy for BBQ vendors, and you've been running one of the premier Weber enthusiast forums on the 'net since the 90's. I say it's about time we have a chance to do a Q & A with YOU. At your convenience, how about opening up a Q and A forum for TVWBB folks to ask you about yourself, your experience, and your thoughts on contentious topics such as water, sand or clay saucer?, inject or not?, HH or Low n Slow?, lump or briquettes?, etc, etc. Run it like you would a guest.

How about if fellow TVWBB-ers? Do you have any questions for Chris?

:cool: -- Dwain
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Sorry.... I misread it. :o

Not a problem my friend -- I sent him a PM to see if he is up for the idea. I think his name should accompany those like "Famous Dave", Kevin Kolman, Jamie Purviance, Gary Wiviott, etc, etc in the Q&A section of the TVWBB.
I second the motion.

Me three - his recipes & techniques, all with their beautiful pictures & data got me into this. I just lurked & turned everyone I could onto his recipe site for the first 3 years. I guess in a way he's already done what you're asking just by hosting the sites.
I think a Q&A with Chris would be great, but maybe someone who’s been on the forum for a long time could be a moderator so he doesn’t get overwhelmed. With all the members on here that could easily happen.
Sure, I'm willing to do a Q&A. It may end up being the least popular of all the Q&As we've ever done, that I'm willing to give it a try! ;)

I'll set it up.
When did you retire?
My last day was in early November. It happened kind of fast...one of those stories you hear about someone looking at themselves in the mirror and saying, "I don't think I can keep doing what I'm doing..." So now I'm focused primarily on running The Virtual Weber Bullet and The Virtual Weber Bulletin Board, plus a bathroom remodel project and maybe a window replacement project! Those things are all keeping me busy.
Don't sell yourself short Chris. As far as I know you may not compete but anyone that's been grilling or smoking on a Weber as long as you have will have a ton of advice that would be worth picking your brain.
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