Pulled pork second stall?


Tony Coloma

Friday early start. 4 to 5 dinner time.
Start after 8am slow 150 start.
A little slow but plenty of time.
1130-1230 stall. Wait a bit. Raise temp. Eventually wrap pans. Keep testing. Close but not quite. Then the temps stall again.
195 was another hurdle. Temp was raised. Wrapped directly. 325, then 350.

Pulled it out at last minute. Fought traffic for two hours. Roads closed. Friday traffic. VIPs everywhere.

Still wowed the crowd but what happened.

I have heard here that a second stall is possible, but this was a first.

There was liquid in the pan for a majority of the time. But even directly wrapped, nothing. I got lucky it still worked out.
Course pulled pork is hard to ruin
Congrats on wowing the crowd.

If I experienced that I would ponder what was my actual pit temp relative to the meat temp during those seeming stalls.
You've been here awhile so I know you know what you're doing, but how big was the butt (unless you were cooking a picnic) and what was the temp? Thermometer known to be accurate? I see a 9 hour window from 8 to 5 and that's not allowing for rest.

Pulled it out at last minute.
BTDT...wait, we're still talking barbecue, right?;)
Oh yes. Oven after the smoke session, so I confirmed temperature. I did start to doubt my thermopop. But there was water pan in the oven. Now when fully wrapped, it should have got that last bit done. 8 to 330 cook. Then a two hour traffic slog. And I do mean traffic. Maybe the combination of convection and a bit of water in a pan kept things down, but the oven was fully over 300. So...
Still a success, just a bit disheartening that I could not leave early and avoid traffic.
Plus whatever we make is on a different level than most. So what we think is so-so, blows them away.
Also, regular size, cut in half. Almost 8.pounds and close to evenly divided size length wise, but not weight wise.
Congrats on the final product being appreciated. As I am sure you know, each piece of is different and will cook differently. Also stalls happen and are related to the specific piece of meat.
This past weekend I smoked a couple of pork butts. They stalled at about 160 and then one of them did again at 190. First one finished in 11 1/2 hours and the second took 12 1/2 hours
I always try to give myself plenty of time to react to the specifics of the meat
Again it sounds like you handled the situation as good as any one could
We know that the stall is caused by evaporative cooling. At a certain point to meat starts pushing water out and when it stops the stall ends. I think what happens with the mythical 2nd stall is that we've changed the cooking environment in some way. I find it happens for a while after wrapping if I wrapped late, or removing the wrap if you are doing something akin to the 3-2-1 method for ribs.
All the above!
GF put more water in the pan late in the cook, oven.

The regular stall was on time. The second stall, (rare for me), was a combo. Cooking conditions, (pan, wrapping, and convection); and rhe blue moon second stall factor. All related to the amount of traffic that was predicted to peak at a certain time.
It waited until I had to cross the Potomac. Lucky the traffic helped with tempering. Strangely, or not, the outer surface was not hotter. Still it rested a good two hours and that made the finish line. Add in people who are not tvwbb members and shazam, kudos all around.
As has been said by many, including me, this is a great site. And that means great members. (And important monitoring to keep the value and not descend into doom.)

