Rich Dahl
R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Had a 10 pound pork shoulder in the freezer for almost two years! Finally decided to get it done.
Didn't need 10 pounds of pulled pork so I deboned it and cut it in half. Chunked out one half for future recipes and took the 5 pound roast for pulled pork.
Made up a new rub using my own rib rub and Kinder's the blend.
Used the Camp Chef with Pit Boss Competiton Blend pellets. Two hours on high smoke then dialed it up to 275 for 4 hours until it hit 165 then covered with foil it and finished at 300 until it hit 198. Again, the Camp Chef ran perfectly.
Came out great, moist and great bark. 

Didn't need 10 pounds of pulled pork so I deboned it and cut it in half. Chunked out one half for future recipes and took the 5 pound roast for pulled pork.
Made up a new rub using my own rib rub and Kinder's the blend.
Used the Camp Chef with Pit Boss Competiton Blend pellets. Two hours on high smoke then dialed it up to 275 for 4 hours until it hit 165 then covered with foil it and finished at 300 until it hit 198. Again, the Camp Chef ran perfectly.
Came out great, moist and great bark.