I agree with enjoying trying out all kinds of grills...my backyard proves it!!!!
Hey those of you who might be interested, here is a link where Ray Carnes, one of Rec Tec's founders and the primary spokesperson does an admittedly not impartial comparison of the Rec Tec RT-680 - since supplanted by the RT-700 "Bull". You will get the flavor of Ray's enthusiasm if you give it a watch.
Here's a guy whose BBQ videos I have enjoyed, Daryl Smith of Bad Beast Barbecue. He now has three Rec Tecs. He certainly isn't impartial, either, but in this video he gives a rundown of the Rec Tec Bull.
Here's a very long video that I haven't watched in its entirety, but the reviewer compares a GMG Daniel Boone to a Weber Genesis II. Might me helpful if you have the time to see a more detailed analysis. This one is more neutral in its approach.