Price of Tri Tip


Steven A

TVWBB Super Fan
I finally found Tri Tip in NJ at Restaurant Depot! It comes in an 18-20 lb. cryovac for $4.59/lb. Is this a good/decent price?
Tri-Tip is a meat that can vary greatly based on location and store. It all depends on what you are willing to pay and what you think it's worth. I can usually get it on sale for under $3 a pound here in California but I have heard that people in other parts of the country have a much tougher time just getting it period, let alone getting it for a good price.

I would say if it's difficult to find then that's a decent price.
That's pretty much "regular" price here in Cali... But like others said, it's probably harder to come by in your neck of the woods. If it's cooked properly, it is worth the money. Also it is probably "untrimmed" so there is a pretty large fat cap that has to be trimmed off each piece, probably a pound per tri-tip...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RD Hauch:
There is a $1 per pound difference between trimmed and untrimmed around here. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Where is "around here"
Trimmed tri tip here shows up in only two places. Trader Joe's is $6.99/lb and Wegman's is $10.49/lb. (no, that is not a typo - ten bucks a pound!)

A year ago, the Wegs tris were 7.49. But they were excellent, so I didn't mind buying them. Needless to say, I don't buy from them anymore.
We California folks are spoiled when it comes to price and selection of tri-tips. I think we trade all of our briskets for tri-tips around the country.
I grew up on tri tip. It used to be so cheap(1.29lb) years ago, but now that it's become more popular it's gone up some. Meat in general has though..

The cheapest I ever see it now is around 2.99lb untrimmed.

off topic question: anyone ever actually BBQ it, slow like?

and Hello everyone. I've been lurking for a while now.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Andres L.:
Tony I like to cook mine indirectly with a sear at the end. Not exactly "low and slow" But kinda close. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've always seared first and indirect after.

like this with traditional linguica sans the oak and traditional Santa Maria style grill.

I have paid $7.99/lb. @ Publix, and $5.99 at a local butcher, and those are about the best prices I have found in Middle Tennessee. The butcher even cut the tri-tip in two, keeping the smaller end, presumably for slicing into steaks or grinding into hamburger.
I just ordered a case of IBP Tri-Tip (65 Lbs or so) in Fort Wayne IN for $3.70. It should be in by the end of the month & I'm anxious to see how it turns out.
Just saw some for $6.89/lb this morning in St Louis. My buddy in the Memphis area said he just got several at Costco for around $5/lb. Hopefully the cut will become more prevalent around here so the price will drop.
I'm in Southern California and a couple of weeks ago I picked up a couple tri-tips at Costco and I paid 6.99 per lb. It was a bit more expensive than I expected. The next day I was at Albertsons super market and found them for 3.99 per lb.

So I guess it's mixed here too.
I have been finding it regularly at my local Walmart for 5.98lb. Just since the first of the year, had never seen them sell it before.

