Pot Roast and a Treat



TVWBB Platinum Member
When @Brenda T mentioned beef stew last week she got me to thinking about a chuck roast in the freezer :). So I decided to put it to good use and try a pot roast.

Some SPG

pot roast 1.jpg

A sear

pot roast 4.jpg

Readying some shiitake and onion

pot roast 5.jpg

Add some beef broth

pot roast 6.jpg

A faithful can of Campbell's mushroom soup

pot roast 7.jpg

Ready for the oven

pot roast 8.jpg

Ready for consumption

pot roast 9.jpg

And plated

pot roast 10.jpg

My great-niece has taken interest in baking and I'm glad for it. She dropped off a batch of scrumptious cookies :)

natalie cookies.jpg

It is 2 degrees here in southern Ohio with no significant climb throughout the day.


Have a great day, everyone!
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Looks tasty BFletch. Hopefully that warmed you up a bit and the cookies you're great-niece made top it off.

I just put a chuck roast/pot roast in the slow cooker, its a blustery 46° here....
When @Brenda T mentioned beef stew last week she got me to thinking about a chuck roast in the freezer :). So I decided to put it to good use and try a pot roast.

Some SPG

View attachment 85115

A sear

View attachment 85117

Readying some shiitake and onion

View attachment 85118

Add some beef broth

View attachment 85119

A faithful can of Campbell's mushroom soup

View attachment 85120

Ready for the oven

View attachment 85121

Ready for consumption

View attachment 85122

And plated

View attachment 85123

My great-niece has taken interest in baking and I'm glad for it. She dropped off a batch of scrumptious cookies :)

View attachment 85124

It is 2 degrees here in southern Ohio with no significant climb throughout the day.

View attachment 85125

Have a great day, everyone!
Looks like great cold weather fare.
When @Brenda T mentioned beef stew last week she got me to thinking about a chuck roast in the freezer :). So I decided to put it to good use and try a pot roast.

Oh yeah, that looks delicious! Those cookies look tasty too - always nice to have bakers in the family.😊

We had the stew this evening and I just finished packing up some to-go leftovers. Turned out pretty good but I didnt take any pics. Gonna make potato soup tomorrow.

We've also stayed in the 1-3 degree range today, but the snow was mostly a miss. So no playing with the new Snow Joe. I may have to ship it to Larry to get it broken in. 😁
I saw some nice chuck roasts at the store and I almost bought one. Seeing your cook makes me wish I did, excellent cook
How long? Temp?
Made a chuckie yesterday. Stew however.
Those temps look like a heatwave
You need to figure this out for yourself, lol. I started at 350f but throttled it when the Wife had to leave unexpectedly for an errand (this happens much more often than you can imagine). My uneducated guess is at 350f it would be at [my] desired tenderness within 2.0-2.5 hours.
You need to figure this out for yourself, lol. I started at 350f but throttled it when the Wife had to leave unexpectedly for an errand (this happens much more often than you can imagine). My uneducated guess is at 350f it would be at [my] desired tenderness within 2.0-2.5 hours.
I meant the weather.
Yes, all the time, i also have to throttle back cause there is something else that needs my attention. (Usually, but not always, GF, servicing; don't get me started on ironing my lab coat before work).
That is fast! I have tried many methods
I believe the Dutch oven can be a lot better than the old foil trick. Also the liquid really helps. Otherwise I have resigned myself to lower but longer cook. Four hours at 300.
So now we make stew or sweet and sour soup. The stew is almost foolproof, the soup is great but takes more talent than have. Calling edh.

