Post a picture of yourself! *****

I'm going against the grain. 1st turkey I ever shot. Man am I hooked on turkey hunting now!

Well here is my mug taken last year for my Movember fundraising, 19 days in.

I am sorry for scaring small children, pets, and anyone else

Great to put faces to names - just discovered this thread. So... if it's a fish pic that'll make the cut, here's my good self with a trout I should have put back. But I was hungry, so I cooked it at the riverside later that day.

Uploaded with
Here's a few of me.

Fightin' the battle of the bulge.

Wedding day back in October.

Spending New Years Day, Philly style!

And, doing what really makes me happy.
Alright, where did it say
"Post a picture of yourself with a fish"

Nice catches guys & gal!

That's a beauty!
I could eat fried walleye for breakfast every day!
That's a beauty!
I could eat fried walleye for breakfast every day!

Thanks - We go out a few times a week usually 3-4 man tickets, thus I have a LOT of Walleye in the freezer. I use it as currency - amazing what some fillets will get you. Ever in NEO I'll fill up your cooler for you!
David i know a photoshopped image when i se it!

Admitt you are @ the fish counter at walmart!

Fantastic pic m8!
Some of you have already seen this pic, but here I am pretending to be as cool as Jim Lampe.


And since everyone seems to be competing with fish pictures, here's a little mahi-mahi I caught, murdered and ate in the Dominican Republic back in April.

Fishing pictures are soooo yesterday. And by yesterday, I mean I can't post any of mine because they were all shot on film. So this will have to do. Just as much fun as fishing...

Very observative my friend, 1997 80 series.

My smoking experiences haven't taken me quite as far as my grilling experiences to date. I just got my first "real" smoker a few months ago. I pretty much stick to ribs (BB and spare), butts, chickens and appetizers. I've yet to try some beef.
My husband's dream vehicle. We were looking for a Landcruiser five years ago, and couldn't find one here, so I had to settle for an '01 Lexus LX 470 100 Series.

