pork steaks

Those are some dandies George!

Can't remember when I used my Q last, I need to fire her up.
Since it gets so little use, I put away the big tank and just use the canisters.
Looks great George. Even if you haven't used it in a while, I can tell by how seasoned your lid is that your Q has gotten its fair share of action.
yep, i like my dark beers. darker and thicker the better. yea, i try to keep things reasonably clean and seasond. makes cleanup so much easier and yes, the q's do need to be
cleaned out after a few cooks as the grease can accumulate quickly.
pork steaks are my favorite as they work with everthing. just finished a ps sammie !
you ate ALL those pork steaks?!
gimme a BREAK!
I couldn't eet all those steaks! WhatTheHellMel?!
they DO look GREAT!


