Pork loin and ABT?


F. Vest

New member
My wife threw at me the other day that we are hosting about 10 people on Saturday evening for an ugly christmas sweater party. :cool:
Its my perfect opportunity to do something awesome on the Weber (s) for everyone and do something I have never done before, ABT.

My wife suggested I do something with these pork loins that have been in the freezer waiting on a great opportunity. In the past, I've done a brined loin with a tometaeo (sp) sauce. Im thinking this time I will brine the loin as Ive always done and then shred it and put that on the ABT's, with the philly cheese and bacon. I have a jelly I can use for a dipping sauce, too.

Thoughts on this?
Sounds pretty darn tasty to me.. I haven't done pulled pork on ABT's before but dont see why it wouldn't work. I will say that I have found that people eat them soo fast dipping sauces aren't always needed hehe.. Take some pictures of the whole thing!
thoughts?.......I'll be right over, save some for me!

I think you're on the right track.....sounds deelish!
regarding ABTs......I've done quite a few with great results.

I find that keeping the temps down are key for me.......I try to smoke at 225 or so......so the peppers and bacon cook evenly and don't burn.
Small and simple: bratwurst, Italian sausage etc. grilled and then cut up into coins and speared with toothpicks or put into a crockpot.
I usually add some kind of seasoning to the cheese/stuffing.....taco seasoning, garlic, onion powder, greek seasoning, PP rub........whatever I'm feeling that day.
I cant wait to make these!

I think I will keep it to wings and ABT I've mentioned...and I might do some brined/smoked nuts.

Pictures to follow!
Moinks (bacon wrapped meatballs) are also a relatively easy and popular side. Regardless of what you decide, I'm sure it will turn out great. Make sure you post some pics (of both the food and the sweaters). I never get tired of the classic gaudy Xmas sweaters in full force!

Have fun!
The pork began its brine process this morning in salt, sugar and lime. I wanted to do it on my Performer but with the weather the way it is right now, 30deg and 40-50mph winds, keeping a steady temp will be difficult.

I think it will go on my Spirit instead with a smoke box.

