Pork chops!!!


Scott S (scooter)

TVWBB Member
Man I love em! These were the first I've done on my 18 WSM. They were a little under a pound each, approx 1 inch thick purchased from Lucky Stores.
Seasoned with Dizzy Pig Dizzy Dust top/bottom/sides. I used a little under 1 chimney full of Trader Joes Rancher hardwood briqs and lit them with a couple Weber cubes. When they were fired up I dumped them in the ring and let them come to a full white ash covering then assembled the WSM without the waterpan and used the upper grate.
Threw in 3 small chunks of peach wood and put the chops on the upper grate and put the lid on. The lid thermometer was reading 350.
Flipped the chops over at IT 110. At IT 150 (approx 25 mins after putting them on the grate) I pulled them off the WSM and tented.
They were nicely smokey and the rub worked well on the chops. Nice smokey pork flavor.
I got some nice color without having to do a quick sear first. Ate them with rice and beans and a green salad.
I love me some Porkerhouses!!


