Pork Butts

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Scot Cummins

TVWBB Member
I am going to make a RMBPB and I was wondering how much kosher salt I should add since it weighs in less than the table salt.
Also gonna make one other butt and wondered if anyone had another suggestion for a recipe?
Thanks Scot
Here's some info on salt substitution from Chris' brining article: Salt

Regarding the second butt, why not just do a plain one, for the sake of reference? Just sprinkle it with salt and pepper, and get the true flavor of the slow-cooked pork. You might be suprised how good it is!

Sorry for this post. I realize there is a very similar thread right below this, but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not for the particular recipe.
Thanks guys and gals
While the salt substitutions mentioned in the brining topic hold true for making a salt water solution, I can't guarantee it's exactly the same when putting salt in a rub. Yes, a tablespoon of table salt will contain twice as much "saltiness" as a tablespoon of Diamond Brand kosher salt, but there are other factors like crystal size that may affect the perception of saltiness in a dry rub.

Maybe someone with more knowledge on this subject can comment.

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