Poor mans dinner....


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I can't afford to throw good food away so I decided to make quesadillas using veggies from a stir fry and eating bbq chicken legs and veggies from a cook I did with steak. Thanks for looking... By the way food was great!!!

Heating up the veggies on the cast iron and the bbq chicken.

Quesadillas using my veggies and cheese

It was a plated mess but good.
I agree with Kim...leftovers are great, especially when you can create something different out of them. Great job Tony
We don't waste good food in our house either. I grew up eating leftovers. My dad and my mom were both good cooks and had good ways to re use leftovers.my wife's family were the same way. That all looks excellent.
We do leftovers all the time here, Tony! We have also noticed that some of our bbq tastes better the next day.

Your cook looks fantastic!:)
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