Poor mans dinner....

Great looking meal Tony! Nothing poor about that meal!
The way the story goes, A young boy from Africa was on his way to the airport after a summer spent in the USA. On the way, the host family asked the young boy what the biggest surprise was about his stay. His reply was this, "What really surprised me was how big the trash cans are!"
We take far too much for granted, and waste entirely too much. Left overs are a way of life at the Klein house. I think it teaches the kids a valuable lesson about saving vs wasting.
Great looking meal Tony! Nothing poor about that meal!
The way the story goes, A young boy from Africa was on his way to the airport after a summer spent in the USA. On the way, the host family asked the young boy what the biggest surprise was about his stay. His reply was this, "What really surprised me was how big the trash cans are!"
We take far too much for granted, and waste entirely too much. Left overs are a way of life at the Klein house. I think it teaches the kids a valuable lesson about saving vs wasting.

I was not going to post since I believed we had to only post new cooks. I'm fairly new to this forum I didn't know how it was going to be received. But everyone has been great.
we dont waste food around here either. Leftovers are on the menu 4 - 5 days a week sometimes. They also make co-works jealous at lunch time. :D

