Please Help fpr BRITU travel


James H

HI all,

Am making the BRITU ribs but will need to taken them to my brotherinlaws house about 20 minutes away. What do you guys suggest would be the best way to transfer them?

Sauce before travel or after?

Slice ribs before or after?

Wrap tightly in foil or loosely?


Anhy advice would be greatly appreciated!


Wrap individual racks (unsliced) tightly in foil and transport them in the old faux Cambro -- a cooler with a towel on the bottom and another over the top of the ribs. They will stay nice a toasty for an hour or more, especially in summer. If you like to finish the racks with sauce, you can do it before or at the destination. Do not slice before travel -- they will tend to dry out once they are sliced. Postpone any slicing until you are serving.
Another vote here for wrapped in a cooler and cut/sauce upon arrival. I wouldn't take them straight off the grill to the tightly wrapped foil/cooler combo if fully cooked - I'd let then sit uncovered a few minutes first. Otherwise pull them a bit early and wrap them right away. They'll keep cooking when wrapped if you don't let them cool so if they're done they'll be over done when you get there.
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