Platinum grill

What is the difference between a platinum open cart and a 1000?

I am guessing you are asking because of this listing which I believe is an 1100 since it has the slats down below love the lid but it was only graphics which I think are really nice. For a hundred bucks no but that is in your neck of the woods so at least you can go look at it make an offer if its in good shape. I would pay $50 in a minute for the fact it has a colored lid as I have no intention ever of buying one that has the black lid since down here out of three black lids they all had the dreaded fade.

I saw that one on Facebook but since my daughter is getting married next month and I have a ton of company I have strict orders to finish the Silver C and then work on my 1100 little leeway there she does not expect that to be done but under the deck needs to look better than it does. :cool:
Weber used the term "Platinum" at different times to describe a higher-end version of the Genesis. I believe the first time was when they used the frame from their Summit grill but put a Genesis firebox on it. This frame was noteworthy because of its thicker construction. These grills have a very "strong" heavy-duty look to them. Some were open cart but some had doors on the front and cabinetry. However the bottom was a wire rack that allowed this cabinet to breathe better and perhaps not be so susceptible to rust. Here is one with an open cart:


In 2005-6 the Platinum name was brought back. This time the grill - which was otherwise just like a Genesis Silver or Gold - had a special all-high grade stainless steel frame. These are one of my personal favorites due to their rust resistance and also unique "monocoque" style featuring light gray trim to go with the stainless frame and hood. These grills ALL had a closed-in cart, but some - including some members here - have modified them to an open cart look. Here is one before I started restoring:


A 1000 was the basic Weber Genesis in much of the 90's. It was open cart and had a regular steel frame like most other Genesis grills you see. This one is unrestored:

I would have to add that there may well have been a "Platinum" before the one with the Summit frame that was based on a regular steel Genesis frame but had the fancy lid graphics. I don't claim to know the whole of Weber's history:rolleyes:!
I would have to add that there may well have been a "Platinum" before the one with the Summit frame that was based on a regular steel Genesis frame but had the fancy lid graphics. I don't claim to know the whole of Weber's history:rolleyes:!

Cmon Jon...I thought you were the "unofficial" curator of the Weber museum...:cool:
You're right Jon. My late friend had one. Had a pewter gray hood with red pinstripe graphics, a side burner and 2 flip down tables. Otherwise it was just a plain Genesis "3000?" or perhaps "3?" because IIRC the model he had was prior to casters on the left side just plain legs so it may not have had the x000 designation
I just came across a Platinum B or C on one of the local listing sites.

Look what I just found on letgo!
posted by Camille Spicer

I was able to get ahold of the seller and they said they would hold it for me until I could get there on Saturday.

I've read all the horror stories here about the closed cabinet Webbers and rust. Is there anything else I should be looking out for with something like this? I don't expect the innards grates/burners/bars to be in great shape given the description, but that stuff is easily replaceable.

That grill is a rare one, do whatever you can to get it and rehab it and keep it as your personal grill. Here is one that I did earlier this year...

The one that you posted is probably the deep firebox. The one I got did not have the deep firebox so I swapped it out for one. The rust was kind of bad on the rear panel so I bought a sheet of aluminum and fabricated it, however, the metal panels used on this one seem better than the one they used on the 05 Genesis Platinums. The base is also the wire rack style so it can breathe. The rest wasn't too bad. There was rust on some of the bars but was fixed up with quicksteel and POR 15. See post #5 on my thread, LM is is a nice grill that I will never let go of as it has the beefy first gen summit frame.
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Biggest thing will be the inside of the cabinet. Replacing those panels is a deal breaker. You could grind and repaint some surface rust, but if it has holes, move on.
The frame on that one isn't stainless, which is the holy grail, but overall, it looks in pretty good shape. Check the cook box to make sure it isn't warped. Also, check to make sure the extra burner is complete and working. That probably would be expensive to fix/replace. If it is like Silver B/C grills, check the frame along the cook box on the left where the bolt goes through the cookbox and through the frame. That is a trouble spot some times.

Otherwise, just good look over is left.

That grill is a rare one, do whatever you can to get it and rehab it and keep it as your personal grill. Here is one that I did earlier this year...

The one that you posted is probably the deep firebox. The one I got did not have the deep firebox so I swapped it out for one. The rust was kind of bad on the rear panel so I bought a sheet of aluminum and fabricated it, however, the metal panels used on this one seem better than the one they used on the 05 Genesis Platinums. The base is also the wire rack style so it can breathe. The rest wasn't too bad. There was rust on some of the bars but was fixed up with quicksteel and POR 15. See post #5 on my thread, LM is is a nice grill that I will never let go of as it has the beefy first gen summit frame.

When you say it has a deep fire box, does that mean it has the double row of flavorizer bars, or is it just deeper than the other box?
Near as I can tell with just the listing picture it is from 2000 to 2004. The seller said they would hold it for me so I think I actually have a shot at this one.
I am unfamiliar with the Platinum line of grills, but I had always thought that Weber only used the double row (13 bars) in the Genesis 1000-5000 line of grills and earlier Genesis 1-5 grills.
Ok so if it’s the 5 bar grill then it’s probably the same one I did this year. Yah, that one does have the 5 bars but is not the same as a silver b firebox but that can be swapped with a genesis 1000 box (13 bars) and that’s what I did with mine.
Sam, so you are saying the Platinum cook box with 5 bars can be swapped with a Genesis 1000 cookbox which has 13 bars? If so, do you use the 1000 manifold and burners or do you use the ones for the platinum? Also, did you have to modify anything to make the burners, manifold fit or was it just an easy swap?
Bruce, yes sir. I took the box and manifold from my 3000 and put it on the "Budweiser". This is for the 00-01 Platinum C (Weber 4261001).
It was an easy swap, no mods needed and they both utilize the same burners (Weber 7506). And from the looks of it I should be able to take the 5 bar Platinum C box and manifold and put that on the 3000 frame and that one will be gifted to my brother. I suspect that the one that Jeff MA has and the one I got originally has the same frame but different fireboxes (13 bar vs. 5 bar). It seems as if Weber took the 13 bar firebox and made it into a 5 bar firebox for the early 2000s Platinum (and maybe Gold) and kept the same dimensions of the box to utilize the first gen. Summit frame.
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