Dale L. in N. Ga.
TVWBB Member
What is the difference between a platinum open cart and a 1000?
What is the difference between a platinum open cart and a 1000?
I would have to add that there may well have been a "Platinum" before the one with the Summit frame that was based on a regular steel Genesis frame but had the fancy lid graphics. I don't claim to know the whole of Weber's history!
That grill is a rare one, do whatever you can to get it and rehab it and keep it as your personal grill. Here is one that I did earlier this year...
The one that you posted is probably the deep firebox. The one I got did not have the deep firebox so I swapped it out for one. The rust was kind of bad on the rear panel so I bought a sheet of aluminum and fabricated it, however, the metal panels used on this one seem better than the one they used on the 05 Genesis Platinums. The base is also the wire rack style so it can breathe. The rest wasn't too bad. There was rust on some of the bars but was fixed up with quicksteel and POR 15. See post #5 on my thread, LM is right...it is a nice grill that I will never let go of as it has the beefy first gen summit frame.
When you say it has a deep fire box, does that mean it has the double row of flavorizer bars, or is it just deeper than the other box?
Near as I can tell with just the listing picture it is from 2000 to 2004. The seller said they would hold it for me so I think I actually have a shot at this one.