Pizza on the OTG but a tough day


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Today was a tough day, I made a nice cook but my beloved Nikon D90 took a spill from about 8' and hit the concrete solid. The housing cracked and a large piece broke off, the camera does not work. This was my PD retirement present to myself and I am very upset with myself right now for being so stupid.
But this cook was collaboration with the CEO and here it is.

The CEO made her pizza dough, here it is rising


I made a fresh sauce from the garden tomatoes, in boiling water to loosen the skin, run under cold water to stop any cooking, peeled and then mashed a little and in a pot to simmer for awhile with fresh Basil from the garden. Then some onions and garlic fried in EVOO and added to the sauce. Some peppers fried separate for a topping along with some fresh Mozzarella





The OTG filled with a ring of loose Lump and two chimneys all lit up, burned down quick


The set up, got above 600 degrees


This is when the D90 hit the deck so the rest are on my little Olympus, first pie done in about 8 minutes, spun 180 degrees once


Second pie done and heading in


Your plate with a big Rum and Coke, I need it tonight

Oh a little tip for those who do not know it. You can see I raised the pizza stone with the fire bricks, I also close the top vent down to about a third and I move the dome off the seal a little so the OTG vents out the off set side a little. Raises the dome temp considerably and helps with cooking the elevated pie
Forgot to say I'm so sorry to hear about your camera. It's a terrible feeling when an expensive piece of equipment hits the concrete. Been there.
Great pizza Bill. I feel your heartache over the camera. I try to be so careful with mine, but in the heat of the moment, anything can happen. Hope you can contact Nikon and get it fixed. They are a great company. I will say that I sensed trepidation in your post, and I am relieved that your bad day resulted from nothing worse.
The Pizza looks great. Bummer about the camera. I worked in a camera shop just as digital cameras started really hitting the market, and the D90 came out just after I left the store. KEH camera would be one place I'd recommend checking for repair, but would also consider the cost of repair vs. replacement.
The pizza looks great! Sorry to hear about your camera. How did you pay for it? How long have you had it? If you paid for it with a credit card you might have accident insurance on it. My Amex card has accidental protection, stolen insurance and extended warranty on most things I buy with it. Discover has a similar program. It comes free with the card.
Awesome looking pizza Bill, perfection all the way. Sorry about your camera hope it can be fix.
Now that is the way to cook up a pie my friend, sorry to hear about the camera, I'm sure things will workout for the better as good things always happen to good people.
Great looking pizza Bill. What a disaster about your camera. Eight feet? Where did you have it? I'm a photographer and when I grab any of my cameras it's always by the strap first. And then the strap goes on my neck. Is the lens OK?

I once saw a friend of mine setting his pro Nikon and 400mm F2.8 lens on the tripod. The clamp did not catch and the whole rig came crashing down on the pavement. An $8000 total loss!!
Great work on the pizza sorry about your Camera, i bought a cheap kodak dig camera for taken pic of my food and look great, maybe you might try getting a inexpensive one just for your shoots on food and Save the expensive one for other uses . Just a suggestion But that pizza is worth makeing few times a week lol

