Picking up my WSM 22.5


RJ Banks

TVWBB All-Star
After more than a week of waiting, Lowe's just called to say my order was in. Now I just need to wait for my wife to get home with my truck. I am so excited and will fire it up tonight for a test run. I am going to be getting up early to smoke some fatty's to go with breakfast and put a pork butt on for dinner. Butt is already rubbed down and in the fridge. Will post picks of the cook in progress and at completion. Going to be a great weekend of smoking meats, cigars and drinking beer!

I put a butt on last night about 9:00, slept all night, it wasn't quite ready this AM so I went to play golf. I got home at 2:30 pulled it off and let it sit while I started to mow. Took a break and pulled it and had a couple pulled pork sammiches for supper. For 17 hours, I made three adjustments and rearanged the coals once. It never went lower than 210* and never higher than 260* the entire time ...without a temp controller. ...and the wife said the end result is PERFECT! That's what it's all about.

I say all that to say this: you won't be sorry. I grin everytime I fire it up. At first I thought it can't be this easy ... but it is.
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Congrats RBanks. As mentioned above super ez to operate and makes great BBQ. I really enjoy using my 22.5.
Thanks all. Dwaine, I didn't add gof into the weekend plan but I think I am going to try now between putting items on and taking them off the smoker.
Congratulations on your new WSM.
With all of the log burning smokers out there (struggling with their units), somehow I think we WSM users are just missing sooooo much... Thankfully ! (chuckle)
Wishing you and yours the most Enjoyable cooks ever.

