Pellets on WSM?


Fred BW

Just wondering if anyone has used pellets on a WSM
I realize you wouldn't use them as your main source of fuel.
But just googling it seems people do use them on occasion on regular BBQ grills.
Searching , I am not finding much here,but maybe I'm not doing it right.
I have no plans to buy any sort of pellet grill. My WSM will always be my go to smoker. But it does seem there might be occasions to tinker with pellets on a WSM we are overlooking,yes/no/maybe:)
Before I got my WSM, I was using the Amazen smoker tubes with different pellets to do 'bbq' on the gas rig.

I have a bag of Pitmaster blend pellets and have used them in my WSM to put a quick/light smoke on chicken. Just drop 1/2 cup of pellets directly onto poured coals and "poof" - smoked chicken.

It's not something I would purposely buy in the future - would prefer to just use wood chunks, but I got this bag just sitting in the garage.....;)
Wow. I had no idea you could turn a WSM into a pellet pooper till seeing Chris's link.
It might be the way to go with a 22
A couple of these from Chris's cheese link is more what I had in mind.
A couple would fit in my 18 WSM. And would also come in extremely handy for doing steaks or burgers on my 22 kettle.
I am always lifting the grate on it to add more wood.
I am not trying to turn this into a pellet burner thread. But i see pellets come in everything from oak to cherry to apple.
How does a grill (or smoker) that is strictly fueled by pellets not add too much smoke,while you can add a little smoke from these little tubes. Is it because a pellet burner BURNS fuel and these little tubes just smolder?
Yes. The pellet smokers burn the fuel and provide a little smoke with the heat. The tubes limit the burning so it is slower and perhaps more smolder. Anyone compare a karabecue to a smokefire
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I'd say sure, just put a couple handfuls over your coals, sorta like mini chunks, they'll burn up fast and will produce some smoke.
As for the tubes, they work well, last quite a while and generates quite a bit of smoke, but... the smoke is a little harsh, you need a good airflow to keep it clean, I'll often tilt the cover to exhaust more smoke then depending on the one vent.
I ordered the 6 and 12" tubes from amazon on the link above to mess with.
If nothing else I have a LOT of wood chips folks keep giving me,and I'm sure wood chips would smolder in one of these tubes as opposed to just burning like they do when you toss them on coals.
I'll get some mild pellets like Apple to try out. Apple is pretty much my "go to" wood anyway.

