Pellets on a gas grill


H. Wilson

New member
I have a Weber 1100 nat gas grill. I have read quite a bit about smoking with pellets. Local store had a 10# box of Traeger pellets. I have tried several ways to make a tube smoker with foil and lots of holes. Works great for cold smoking, lasts several hours with only one cup of pellets. But, with heat on it seems to snuff out the smoking pellets. Today I made a alum mesh tube and got the pellets started well and placed the tube on the very top warming tray and turned on the back burner under the tray and it seems to keep smoking better even with the heat. What or how else have some of you had success using pellets ? Away from the heat, under the grates, or somewhere else to be able to get more air ? And yes, years ago I tried the Weber Smoking Box with chips but it only worked well when the heat was on full blast which was more heat than I wanted and before long it rusted away. Maybe the next step is to use A-Maz-N tube for smoking but will it easily snuff out when cooking too ? Besides its a little pricey to try out. Thanks.
I have an Amazing tube and use it with my WSM's for cold smoking. You actually light the pellets in one end of the tube and they burn on their own releasing smoke. I just bought a 20 lb. bag of pellets and they work extremely well. I see no reason why they shouldn't work just fine in the gas grill. Understand, I have never tried smoking on my gas grill (I have several charcoal grills and two smokers, so no need to use the gas grill for that purpose).

Keep on smokin',
I have a Weber 1100 nat gas grill. I have read quite a bit about smoking with pellets. Local store had a 10# box of Traeger pellets. I have tried several ways to make a tube smoker with foil and lots of holes. Works great for cold smoking, lasts several hours with only one cup of pellets. But, with heat on it seems to snuff out the smoking pellets. Today I made a alum mesh tube and got the pellets started well and placed the tube on the very top warming tray and turned on the back burner under the tray and it seems to keep smoking better even with the heat. What or how else have some of you had success using pellets ? Away from the heat, under the grates, or somewhere else to be able to get more air ? And yes, years ago I tried the Weber Smoking Box with chips but it only worked well when the heat was on full blast which was more heat than I wanted and before long it rusted away. Maybe the next step is to use A-Maz-N tube for smoking but will it easily snuff out when cooking too ? Besides its a little pricey to try out. Thanks.

I use the Amazen 12" tube with a variety of their pellets (depending on the meat) on my Vermont Casting propane grill and have got a procedure that turns out some really good 'q.

I never had good luck with foil pouches or smoker boxes as they would catch fire, or not light, and I was constantly fiddling w/ the temp to get them to smoke, or they would burn thru so quick I was doing more opening and closing of the lid that just prolonged cook times.

The Amazen tubes work well. They work best with an indirect method - meaning, don't put it over a lit burner, and don't 'bury' at the bottom either as they need good airflow around them for optimal smoking.
I picked up the "Expanding" Amazen Tube a few weeks back, have not touched it off yet but, Rhonda was a real pleasure to talk to about a glitch I had with the website. I'm sure she's fixed it! Extremely pleasant place to deal with, looking forward to doing a lot with this product, maybe even tomorrow!
Excellent workmanship, we shall see how it holds up but, with a little care I'm guessing it will serve me for a very long time.
Will report after I use it a few times.
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Thanks Robert. I have been lighting my home made tube just the way you described. After seeing how well the alum mesh tube worked today I'll use it tomorrow while doing a small brisket and burn from both ends of the tube while having it up on the warming rack. If it doesn't work well up there at a low temp I may cut both ends out of a large metal can to lay the tube up on it but nearer the front of the grill that will have a unlit burner under it. Just don't want to cut a fresh air hole in my grill but maybe that is just what is needed, more air for the pellets to work while the grill tubes are turned on. Thanks.
I don't think you have to worry about air in a gas grill. Most gas grills are so thoroughly vented for safety reasons, that it shouldn't be a problem. I bought the small Amazen smoking tube (6") and it gives me two hours of smoke (you light those from one end with a propane torch). That works extremely well for me in the Mini-Joe, 14.5" and 18.5" WSM when cold smoking. I smoke my cheese when the weather is cold so the internal temp stays below 90 degrees. I then vacuum pack it (you can't eat it for a couple of weeks - you need to let the smoked cheese rest a couple of weeks before use). I make far more than I can immediately use, vacuum pack, then freeze until needed.

Keep on smokin',
If you want smoke in the higher heat ranges, I have found that pellets work well on my GrillGrates when placed
in the valleys between the grate ribs. Just don't place them over the air holes.

