Peanut Curry Chicken


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Another recipe I had earmarked to try on the grill. Peanut Curry Chicken. Served it up with steamed white rice. Here we go.

Here are the dry spice ingredients.

About 2 1/2 lbs. of cubed boneless, skinless chicken thighs. Rubbed down and put in fridge overnight.

The veggies. Sweet onion, Red Bell Pepper, Poblano and Zucchini.

Wet ingredients. All natural smooth peanut butter, ketchup, roasted peanuts, brown sugar, fresh minced garlic, fresh grated ginger and flat leaf parsley.

Chicken browning in my small Dutch Oven on my Smokey Joe. Had to do it in three batches.

Done browning. Pulled chicken out while preparing curry ingredients in same Dutch Oven.

Got the sweet onion sautéing in the oil and chicken goodness.

When the onions were soft, added more of the reserve spices, chicken broth and added back in the browned chicken. Finally, added the ketchup, peanut butter and the brown sugar. Brought up to a boil by putting DO directly on coals and then reduced to a simmer by returning DO to the grate. Simmered for 30 minutes. Added the peanuts and veggies and simmered for another 40 minutes.

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Couple more shots while simmering.

Plated with the steamed rice, topped with parsley and a few more peanuts. Drizzled a little lime juice also.

This was a fantastic meal. A really fun cook as well. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for looking.
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I love these flavors. Perfect guide from beginning to end (I want to learn so perfectly described during cooking) Oh, and the result ... absolutely fantastic plate, Cliff. Bravo!
Between you I Barb and Mildo this week among others it has been a feast for the eyes and mouth. Very well done my friend.
Cliff, WOW!!! That looks fantastic and I'm sure it was delicious too. Now just pass a bowl of it this way thanks.:)
That does look like a fun cook and clearly a fantastic meal. Excellent Cliff, ya killed it

