Patience grasshopper. Scored a performer


Reggie G

Friend told me there was a weber in a local Facebook yard sale page sure enough it's a blue performer deluxe for $125 and I know the guy.

So I go get it tomorrow. Now I have someplace to put the $5 kingsford
You're going to love it, got two of them. The only charcoal grill I would have...except maybe a 26" performer if Weber ever makes one or a new summit if someone gave it to me.
There's a guy here with a NIB 22" standard kettle but, he has,not returned any contact, how rude.
I was thinking of it for my wife's son for his birthday! I will keep watching, maybe I will find my 26 to build another cart for!
Looks pretty clean Reggie. I love the blue. You will love this grill, I can't stop grilling on mine. Load up on the charcoal when it's on sale.
Looks great. I'm waiting for one. Found the lime green one a few years back. Still waiting to find the red!

Enjoy it.

Sweet score Reggie. She's beautiful! Now it's time to start upgrading !!!!! New metal table and deeper lid bale so that the lid stands straight up.


65189 Metal table, Performer, silver vein '15
65188 Hardware, tuck away lid holder '15

When ordering the table, make sure the CSR reads down to the bottom of the page. There's a note that tells them if the metal table is to replace a Thermoset table, then they need to include:
65197 Charcoal bin chain, Performer
Sweet score Reggie. She's beautiful! Now it's time to start upgrading !!!!! New metal table and deeper lid bale so that the lid stands straight up.


65189 Metal table, Performer, silver vein '15
65188 Hardware, tuck away lid holder '15

When ordering the table, make sure the CSR reads down to the bottom of the page. There's a note that tells them if the metal table is to replace a Thermoset table, then they need to include:
65197 Charcoal bin chain, Performer

Sweet is that through weber or available elsewhere?
Well my serial number is gone all I have is the date code stamped on one of the vents it is a 2006. I guess I need to try and repo the silver I gave the MIL that's an 2006 and also blue! Maybe I can just swap hoods!

Anyway Ill call Weber on Monday and try and get that metal table that looks sweet I want to get a fresh igniter anyway
I have a 2007 performer and I was glad that my plastic table had a crack in it so I got my metal table top for free under warranty. I need to get the new lid bale now.


