Passover 2023 the cook starts this weekend

Good first day!
feeling like i'm behind. today is a big day. will make a lot of progress. and i have a good sous chef with me which will reduce me walking the kitchen and more hands to get stuff done. going to trip and salt the brisket for an overnight dry brine today. plan is to light the fire at 0600 tomorrow and be on the grill by 0646/0700 for the cook. figuring a 8-9 hour cook and then rest for a trimmed 13#.
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Right out of the fridge. Nice color. That salt penetrated well.


Sun’s coming up


Fire starting. Running KPro, 2 chunks CA white oak, one small mesquite and one alder wood chunk.



Temping up. Turkey pan filled with water. The water will help regulate temperature and keep the air moist for the early part of the cook. Usually the water will evaporate by the 5 hour mark. No foil isolators as I’m up and watching this cook so no fear of temps running away.


The sun is up! But is dang cold.


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I appreciate the ambition here.......
Thanks for covering your cook, the story line is fun to follow.
I don't know most of the foods you are making.....good luck!
This is such a fine thing you do for the family! Traditions of this magnitude which extend for days require a great deal of dedication. You project the feeling of taking this on with a glad heart. This is really inspirational!
This is such a fine thing you do for the family! Traditions of this magnitude which extend for days require a great deal of dedication. You project the feeling of taking this on with a glad heart. This is really inspirational!
Thanks, Timothy. Both my parents are now gone. If I don’t make and keep the traditions, then I lose my connection with family. Hopefully my kids will invite me and my wife over for these holiday celebrations when we’re old. So while I still can, I do.

For as much work as these cooks are, it’s worth it. Everyone has a good time and good food.

We’re passing on these traditions to some friends tonight. Their son is 1.5. He’s going to have fun. That’s what this is all about.
The star of todays cook. Fresh ground black pepper, granulated garlic, dashes of paprika and a very light addition of kosher salt.



Yes indeed, it is all about the family being under the same roof! All those feasts were were supervised if not done completely by my parents when I was growing up. Then, I graduated High school and my parents moved out! “Don’t burn the house down.” were they’re parting words! Thank God I found some roommates and had a job! After that, the family seemed to be all over the place, holidays were different, sometimes I’d go to the folks place. But, now they’re gone and those feasts are left to me and the group is generally ten tops and I do the prep work.
That‘s nothing compared to the spread you do!
And wrapped. This brisket has cooked differently than past briskets. The flat keeps absorbing heat faster than the mid and point. When the mid and point were near even, I decided to wrap with tallow to get to the finish line.

The nose is amazing. Just that hint of mesquite and oak really blend nicely.






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Brisket done. Had nice probe feel so I pulled it and it’s resting in an aluminum tray wrapped in towels to slow the heat loss.



Cooktime was 7 hours 5 minutes. Right on schedule.

The WSK was solid like a tank. Amazing temperature stability.

We’ll see how the tallow addition in the wrap aided cook quality or is a detractor on texture or flavor. Results will be posted later tonight.


