I suppose it is a matter of preference. I use the method that @Bruce teaches where you paint the fireboxes upside down with a fitted board that just covers the bottom opening resting on a 5-gallon bucket. That results in the top edge you are pointing out staying unpainted. I personally like it that way.
WHAT: This HOW TO will show you how I paint my Genesis grill Cook Boxes. This does not cover prepping the cook box or anything like that. That is a whole other discussion. I am just showing you the method I use to actually paint the cook boxes.
WHY: I have painted well over 100 Genesis cook boxes over the past 6 years or so and this is the method I developed that is the quickest and most effective.
What You Need:
o A cleaned and prepped Genesis cook box.
o A can of Rustoleum High Heat or similar spec'ed spray paint.
o A 5 gallon bucket
o A rectangular piece...
Great sources here! Jon, Bruce, Steve, Dan, have all helped me in one way or another on the “Blue haired lady” project! It’s coming along but, SLOWLY! I will be glad to get it finished, hopefully, before winter sets in!
Well, I just hit a hiccup with the engraved tank scale! The engraver says he can’t fit it in his machine! Not very excited by that little piece of information but, I’ll go talk with them today.