Outstanding Rub

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Just put in an order myself for a pair of gloves and the rub...requested a sample of the number 2 as well. I was however charged shipping..7 bucks. Still not a bad total price IMO. Two 2 pound bags of rub, the gloves, and hopefully about a pound of the #2 rub came in at just under $40. They must have been running a special free shipping promotion that apparantly has ended.
Dang...coulda saved 25 bucks on the WSM had I known about Amazons offer before last week, and now this.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif Oh well, alls well that smokes well.

My rub (including the sample) as well as my gloves came in this week while I was in canada. I will be doing another Brisket/Butt combo tomorrow for Sunday.. Can't wait to try the rub.


What Tom F. said...My package came to $9.85 for shipping, according to the USPS postage stamp on the box, and Texas BBQ Rub picked up the balance. I'm going to make a double order next week for more /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

Take care,
Thanks for clearing that up, Tom 'n Bill. I did notice that the shipping was no different whether I ordered one or two 2# bags, as well as adding the gloves.
Another thing I noticed...or rather didn't notice...is that I couldn't find reference on their website anywhere in regards to the #2 rub. I'm assuming that it must have been mentioned in one of their newsletters (which I also signed up for..I'll let y'all know if its any good). In any event, based on the advice here I still requested a sample...can't wait for the order to arrive to try the stuff out.
For all you guys that ordered recently...let us know what you think of it after you've had a chance to use it, ok?


I haven't tried the #2 rub yet but Tom said it was great ~ I'm sure he'll chime in here soon...That rub is still in refinement, therefore, not yet on the market.

If you want to order the #2 Rub after you've tried your sample, just make a note in the comment box provided on the order form. They call the #2 rub "Brisket Blend".

I like them both pretty well, but the #2 is excellent on chicken.

I've received the 2 rubs and gloves. The gloves look like a great value but I haven't tried the rub yet. I'm trying to get through some of the other "stuff" I've got. How do you store the rub from the 2 lb bag ? I was wondering if using a mason jar with the Foodsaver accessory for the jar would work well. Seems like you could then use as you need but be able to reseal the same jar if you took the lid off carefully ?


I use a foodsaver canister. But you could also use mason jars sealed with the FS. Over of the FoodSaver Group at Yahoo they have plenty of ways to dry seal stuff.

Oh yeah... try the #1 rub on peanuts... you won't have much left over. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I ordered the rub. Might order the gloves at a later date as I am happy with my current pair.

Rath *bandwagon jumper*
Gloves and rub came today /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif The gloves are nice gonna work great pulling butts. Going to use the #2 rub on a brisket this weekend. Thanks again for the hookup, Bryan
Like Bryan, my rub and gloves came today also. Trying to find air-tight containers to store #1 and #2 rubs. SMELLS AWESOME!!!!!!!

What is the proper care for the gloves after using them on the food?
Brisket's on with the #2 rub on top of Kingsford Mesquite Charcoal. Can't wait to taste it smells soooooo good. Will post the results. /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif Later Bryan P.S. it finally stopped raining here and the suns out. Suposed to start back up and have off and on rain till wed /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif It's more like april- may here than July /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif
I'M HOOKED on this rub. First taste is sweet then turns to a nice little zip/zing. Can't wait to try it on chicken. This rub is AWSOME. Thanks for posting about it Tom /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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