
When the outside temps go over 100F you need a mitt to open the lid even with the handle. Heck my grill light even became damaged due to the heat from the grill & outside temps. Crazy weather!
I was cooking burgers and brats for our staff appreciation day at work last year, and a guy walked up to me and went to rest his elbow/lean on the end cap of my redhead, and before he got it down I shoved him back. He goes, "*** was that for?!" I said something along the lines of "I have been cooking on this the last hour, its pretty F'ing hot, unless you want some second degree burns?" He turned bright red and said he thought it was because I am protective of my grills (which I am), but I was more so looking out to save his arm. He then thanked me.
Did that with the Master Touch Premium charcoal kettle hinged lid last summer, while doing 3 other things at the same time. M**th**F***er(!!!) did that ever leave some painful burn marks for a week!
Did that with my 06 OTG trying to use that little hook. Felt like David Carradine from Kung Fu.
Went out and bought the Slide a side after that.
That sh*t hurts, man! But, nothing worth doing is ever easy. Loved that glowing hot cauldron that burned the tats onto his arms. Now I’ll be humming that melody all weekend!
Haven't seen a Chicago gangway in awhile.:)
Use to hate the between three-flat ones. Those were dark, dank, and dangerous.
Yeah lot sizes in city are limited. What I would do for a three car garage 🤣
25 wide, 125 long is the usual. Add in the space all around and the maximum usable width is too low for all the toys
Yea some of the older areas in Bridgeport where you walk down from the front to the gangway was when they raised the street to install sewers back in the day.
Grandfather had a business raising houses or moving them.
Parents had a 3 flat in the back of the yards ( 48th and Elizabeth) some guy was scaling up our gangway between the two buildings.
Peeping tom I guess, my mom said our german shepard about jumped thru the window. Guy fell broke his legs, cops took him away.
When the sewers were put in, the streets were raised and a lot of houses on the south side are below grade, the sidewalk.
I have seen some with terrible pits beneath the kitchen, full of yuck.

The Northside has a lot of adjoining apartments with gangways that seem ready-made for noir.

