Other Pets

I thought someone would at least have some fish in a tank, or maybe a goldfish in a bowl. :unsure:
I tell my Wife that if we had a farm, we would starve, because everything would be a pet.
Neighbor a few doors down has chickens and a rooster. He did it when the price of eggs went nuts.
Damn rooster is consistently a noisy....
We have lots of birds on our property.
There is even a nest of these buggers up our driveway near a higher tree that I would love to have a nest cam installed on.IMG_0580.jpeg
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Skunks are cool Chuck.
Most I’ve come across are tame as dogs.
We had some that would eat our cat food.
My Buddy had the same situation and one became his pet for a few years and would crawl on the couch to watch tv with him.
This was our family dog Duffy. Unfortunately, he passed away last year, but he lived for 16 years and was such a good little dog.


I also had an amazing Black Lab/Cain Corso mix for many years.


For many years I had a Jenday Conure. Funny little guy, but very loud!


For about 10 years I had a Sugar Glider named Slurms McKenzie (don't ask), and he was quite fun, but a little messy.


Over the years I've also had parakeets, about 12 different snakes, 10 turtles, all sorts of different lizards and frogs, scorpions, and a tarantula. I worked in a pet store for 7 years, so things had a way of finding their way home with me.

Saying goodbye to the feathered/furry pets is too hard though, and it was a lot to take care of, so I've taken a new "no pet" policy, aside from my tropical fish, which require minimal attention and when they pass it doesn't hit quite as hard.

