Organizing a small bbq competition



TVWBB Wizard
I’m not sure if this is in the right area.

Our place up north is in the sticks.
5 miles from a town of 100 and 15 from a town of 3,000.
There is 30,000 in the greater area of several hundred or so sq miles.

Any how, they have a festival or party for everything.
There is even one for irrigation but not one for bbq.

Any idea on how could I start a bbq contest?
I think I should take a class on being a judge maybe.

The/my goal is just to have fun.
Don't want any money and if there was it would go to a charity of some sort.
I can’t find any info on my searches, just how to make or raise money but that’s not the goal.

Our area is kinda like Lake Tahoe, tons of tourist, tons of festivals.
That little irrigation festival is pretty cool though.
Been going on for about 130 years.
It’s actually a logging festival for the most part.

Might any of you done this before or know where to get any information?
I am thinking possibly joining or being a small part of another festival to be more efficient cost wise.
Is there a county fair local? You could setup a table with some killer BBQ samples and see if you can get some interest.

What about a brewfest . Beer Drinkers love good BBQ. find the organizers and see if you could tag-along for the next one.

Bring some samples, and a way to sign up.
I’m not sure if this is in the right area.

Our place up north is in the sticks.
5 miles from a town of 100 and 15 from a town of 3,000.
There is 30,000 in the greater area of several hundred or so sq miles.

Any how, they have a festival or party for everything.
There is even one for irrigation but not one for bbq.

Any idea on how could I start a bbq contest?
I think I should take a class on being a judge maybe.

The/my goal is just to have fun.
Don't want any money and if there was it would go to a charity of some sort.
I can’t find any info on my searches, just how to make or raise money but that’s not the goal.

Our area is kinda like Lake Tahoe, tons of tourist, tons of festivals.
That little irrigation festival is pretty cool though.
Been going on for about 130 years.
It’s actually a logging festival for the most part.

Might any of you done this before or know where to get any information?
I am thinking possibly joining or being a small part of another festival to be more efficient cost wise.
Andy, I think you have a good foundation on how to put together a small BBQ contest.

Definitely take a judging class, maybe through the Pacific Northwest BBQ Association (PNWBA -, whenever they schedule their next one.

The PNWBA can probably provide you with information on how to organize, advertise, and run your first competition. The Kansas City Barbecue Society (KCBS - also has some good information.

From what you described, it sounds like you want a "Stand Alone Backyard Contest," which KCBS describes as, "intended to promote barbecue in small towns across the country. They are to be comprised of non-professional teams that are required to cook chicken and pork ribs to win the Grand Championship. The cooking source at a Stand Alone Backyard Contest shall be of wood, wood pellets or charcoal."

Back in 2012, the city of Lacey, WA, hosted their inaugural "South Sound BBQ Festival," which had three offerings - a barbecue contest for non-professional, "backyard BBQ" teams, food vendors to feed the crowd, and commercial businesses with advertising booths. You may want to reach out to Lacey's Chamber of Commerce ( to get information on how they put their festival together.

I competed in the 2012 (reserve grand champion, 1st in pork ribs) and 2013 (nothing, nada, zilch) South Sound BBQ festivals.

Or maybe put together a team and compete in this year's festival on 09 July, 2022 to get a feel for this type of event and have some fun cooking and competing? (

TVWBB member @J D McGee of Wine Country "Q" may be a good resource on competitions, but he retired from the competition circuit in the summer of 2021 and was last seen on this forum in November 2021. You might be able to reach him on Facebook? (

Anyway, I hope this helps and I look forward to seeing you pull this off.
I'd start with PNWBA. Here in California, the California BBQ Association has someone that helps coordinate non-KCBS-sanctioned contests to help them get off the ground and perhaps grow into full-blown KCBS-sanctioned contests in the future. Maybe PNWBA has someone that fills that role in OR/WA. It wouldn't hurt to contact them. If that's a no-go, let us know and maybe I can check with CBBQA to see if they have any ideas for you.
If your area is famous for something or has a trait, make it an annual or so festival. Even a garlic harvest bbq. Bet there are many people who will cook and plenty who will eat.
I’m not sure if this is in the right area.

Our place up north is in the sticks.
5 miles from a town of 100 and 15 from a town of 3,000.
There is 30,000 in the greater area of several hundred or so sq miles.

Any how, they have a festival or party for everything.
There is even one for irrigation but not one for bbq.

Any idea on how could I start a bbq contest?
I think I should take a class on being a judge maybe.

The/my goal is just to have fun.
Don't want any money and if there was it would go to a charity of some sort.
I can’t find any info on my searches, just how to make or raise money but that’s not the goal.

Our area is kinda like Lake Tahoe, tons of tourist, tons of festivals.
That little irrigation festival is pretty cool though.
Been going on for about 130 years.
It’s actually a logging festival for the most part.

Might any of you done this before or know where to get any information?
I am thinking possibly joining or being a small part of another festival to be more efficient cost wise.
Sorry Brother! I haven't been on for a while. I'd be more than happy to talk bbq and comps anytime!
I’m not sure if this is in the right area.

Our place up north is in the sticks.
5 miles from a town of 100 and 15 from a town of 3,000.
There is 30,000 in the greater area of several hundred or so sq miles.

Any how, they have a festival or party for everything.
There is even one for irrigation but not one for bbq.

Any idea on how could I start a bbq contest?
I think I should take a class on being a judge maybe.

The/my goal is just to have fun.
Don't want any money and if there was it would go to a charity of some sort.
I can’t find any info on my searches, just how to make or raise money but that’s not the goal.

Our area is kinda like Lake Tahoe, tons of tourist, tons of festivals.
That little irrigation festival is pretty cool though.
Been going on for about 130 years.
It’s actually a logging festival for the most part.

Might any of you done this before or know where to get any information?
I am thinking possibly joining or being a small part of another festival to be more efficient cost wise.
Maybe try to piggy back on another festival and contact that festival's coordinators? Every event is better with BBQ!

Could also see about partnering with a not-for-profit fundraiser deal, maybe even a public school PTO or something.

Memorial Day is coming up quick but maybe you could get something thrown together before independence day or labor day.

Once I retire I'll have to find stuff like that to keep me busy - until then, I have the daytona 500 of rat races to run every week :rolleyes:
Oad. Any new ideas. I would like to do a bbq "competition" but I am already too shaped er out of shape. A rounds a shape.
Tony, you are always welcome on my team! I am competing in Morris Illinois on June 18. We met briefly at the first annual TVWBB event at Chain O’Lakes State park. I had to leave early, and you had just arrived up from Chicago. I can always use someone to hold the tongs!🤣🤣
But seriously, you are always welcome to hang out and cook with me!
I think starting very small and local with no real “competition” feel would be a good start. Do ribs, brisket or tri-tip and maybe some chicken thighs. Make it fun with no hype. Word of mouth only.
Find some foodies from the local college or town (restaurant owners) to judge.
Keep it fun and very community focused and then see where it goes from there.

