Old Phone

So was that 312 land before it was relegated only to the Chicago inner city? I recall them coming out with area codes and at the time 312 stretched all the way to 815 land. recalling my 1st apartment in Addison IL and had a 312 there. Then it got changed and for the life of me I don't know to what :D
I was living in Bolingbrook when I had the 312 number. I moved to Hillside in late '86 and might've had a 708 number, but can't remember for sure. When I started dating my now-wife in '88 she lived in LaGrange Park and was in the 708 area. In fact, I still remember her number from back then.
I was living in Bolingbrook when I had the 312 number. I moved to Hillside in late '86 and might've had a 708 number, but can't remember for sure. When I started dating my now-wife in '88 she lived in LaGrange Park and was in the 708 area. In fact, I still remember her number from back then.
708! THAT is what my number got changed to IIRC. I've been living in 815 land since 1988. So have not kept up with all the area code changes. Although now they're adding another one out these parts "779"
we have a couple that are operational - one in the garage and one in the shop - the one in the shop really is more of decoration at this point- It does ring and is operational.. it just sort of a pain to use...

old yeller in the garage:


Woody in the shop:

Anyone recall when local telephone exchanges went by names, such as "Blackburn", or "Liberty"?

I vaguely recall growing up that our home telephone number started with "BlackbuRn-7"-, or abbreviated "BR 7-"; the letters B and R corresponding to the numbers 2 and 5, respectively.

I also recall my Dad placing long distance calls to his parents, and part of the conversation with the long distance operator consisted of the area code, followed by the word "LIberty" (LI being the digits 5 & 4) followed by the remaining digits of my grandparents' phone number.

You couldn't direct-dial a long distance call in those days (early 1960's.

I looked these exchange names, and it seems that they were standardized by Ma Bell using the letters on the telephone dials in the 1950's, and phased out by the mid-1960's.

For more info, see this Wikipedia article:

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Parents old number was Frontier or FR 6 - 7865
I have an old yard stick from when my Dad used to work at Cadillac glass as a glazer and the phone# is Monroe 6 - 9800.
Yep AV(enue) 4737 later on a number 2 got added after the AV. I think that was when it was no longer a party line and my sister and I could no longer listen in on people :D
So what was the best upgrade, call waiting or caller ID?
CallerID, by far, IMO. "Do I know you, or wanna talk to you? Na......."

I picked up a POTS phone system for the land line a few years ago. If CallerID works, and you're in the directory, your call rings through. If CallerID works, not in the directory, you get asked to record your name and press a particular button. No CallerID? Straight to VM. It's cut scam calls down to zero.
CallerID, by far, IMO. "Do I know you, or wanna talk to you? Na......."

I picked up a POTS phone system for the land line a few years ago. If CallerID works, and you're in the directory, your call rings through. If CallerID works, not in the directory, you get asked to record your name and press a particular button. No CallerID? Straight to VM. It's cut scam calls down to zero.
May I ask what phone system you have that screens calls by this method? I have a few call blocking devices. However, those devices rely only on blocking by calling numbers or calling names of the caller id that are already programmed into them with no option for the caller to be directed to voicemail.
May I ask what phone system you have that screens calls by this method? I have a few call blocking devices. However, those devices rely only on blocking by calling numbers or calling names of the caller id that are already programmed into them with no option for the caller to be directed to voicemail.

At least, I think that's the way it works. Short story is that it just plain works for us.
Yeah, no we never did. House I came up in did not have carpeting. Hardwood floors and area rugs. But honestly I've forgotten so many of the old jingles

