OK, I've been converted. I'm a lump guy now


john enea

after all the reading about lump this and lump that, I decided to do 2 smokes with lump. I did cheat and put 8 briques of K in the chimney to help start the lump. I went to BBQ Galore and bought their hardwood lump, the Laz stuff. What a huge difference!

No funny smell. I thought it was a joke, but boy, lump almost smells good. I always thought that it would be hard to controll the temp. Not. on the second smoke, I had a lot left which I used and it was nice not to have to dump ash (I can get lazy). And the taste... I could tell a differnce.

The great thing is I can make the 30 minute drive up to Lazzari's HQ and pick up a 40 pound bag of the hardwood lump for $16. Will make the trip next week to get 3 bags to get me through the winter.

To all of you who post about lump, trying to get us K people to make the switch, sorry for taking such a long time to make the move. My friend likens it to going from a windows based computer to a Mac.
Originally posted by john enea:

No funny smell. ....... lump almost smells good. I always thought that it would be hard to controll the temp. Not.

The great thing is I can make the 30 minute drive up to Lazzari's HQ and pick up a 40 pound bag of the hardwood lump for $16. Will make the trip next week to get 3 bags to get me through the winter.


IMO, it does smell good! Smoke and Fire good! I think lumb is a little more sensitive to the variables, but still very manageable. 40 lbs, $16.

JimT, I agree! Very smart friend and as a 20 year Mac user, and a 18 month lump user, great analogy!
So John,

Tell me something. Isn't the texture and quality of the hardwood lump from BBQ Galore quite different than the mesquite lump? I'm not sure if you have tried the Lazzari mesquite lump, but it is completely different.

The hardwood (looks like oak to me) lump will break up easily in your hands, and it just seems like better quality.

Lump is where the WSM is at, IMO.

I like your analogy with the Mac, and I moved my wife off Windows a few years ago. I do most of my work on UNIX, but use a MacBook Pro also, so can relate. I detest Windows for various reasons. I don't detest briquettes as much as Windows though, and would use them willingly before running Windows.

Lately it's a PITA over at the Campbell BBQG store, they only have the 10# bags of hardwood lump, but they insist that the 20# bags will be in stock soon.

If you do get some from Lazzari up in Brisbane, please confirm whether it is the same as the BBQG lump or not, would like to know for sure.
I've almost gone thru a bag of Cowboy lump on my kettle, and I'm very happy w/it.

Do you guys have issues with waste - the pieces getting broken up into little bits or dust?
Where is the best place to buy out here in the Sacramento, Ca. area?

Try the hardwood lump from BBQ Galore.

There are stores in Davis, Sacramento, Folsom, and Citrus Heights.
Alan--I just got back from my local BBQG and they gave me the same story about the 20# bags being in soon. Ever since they announced they were shutting down stores, my store has gotten pretty sparse, even though they said they're staying open

Trying to find any sort of quality lump in my area is almost impossible. I thought about going down to the Lazzari HQ in Brisbane, but that's a two hour drive each way for me.

After stopping by BBQG I went into Bevmo to get a selection of beers for the weekend. They had the 40# Lazzari mesquite. The kid and I emphasize kid said they could not get the hardwood lump. Being tired and wanting to get on the road before traffic I didn't pursue it. I'm sure they could order it.

So what's the deal with mesquite lump. I can find that pretty much anywhere. Does it impart a mesquite flavor? I'm ok with mesquite myself, but most of the people who eat my food aren't into it. Might have to look into finding some online if the shipping isn't out hof hand.
Originally posted by Chris in Cameron Park:
Originally posted by Alan D:

Try the hardwood lump from BBQ Galore.

There are stores in Davis, Sacramento, Folsom, and Citrus Heights.

Not sure about the Citrus Heights and Davis stores but the BBQ Galore stores in Folsom and Rocklin have closed down.

I only took those names off the web site, I wonder if Rocklin was the Sacramento store?


Same exact situation since the acquisition, I don't get the impression they have received any new product, unless they can scavenge something from the warehouse that was for another store.

They will have to order product soon, one would think to stay in business.

As to the Lazzari Mesquite, it's not my first choice, or second...

These are my preferences:

1) BBQ Galore/Lazzari hardwood lump, still trying to confirm that that BBQG is Lazzari, but BBQG is about the best in my area.

2) Whole Foods / Cowboy, the Whole Foods 365 product is hardwood lump, but it is made by Cowboy per the Naked Whiz. Cowboy can be bought at both Trader Joes, and ACE Hardware. This makes it one of the most widely available decent quality products.

3) If I can't get the above, Lazzari Mesquite which can be had in the local Safeway, OSH, and a host of others.

4) If I can't get any of the above, I might opt for Kingsford, or sometimes in a pinch to use for charity events. I usually have some K briquettes on hand as a last resort.
Shawn,come on over. I'm a PC guy and like you just got my WSM this year(April yo be exact). I've used nothing but lump my last three smokes,and EVERYONE says the taste is so much better. And considering the amount of compliments I was getting before, I'm a lump head from here on.
I've been a Mac user for about 2 yrs now, and would never ever go back. The OS is far superior for me (internet, email, music, word processing, etc.). Security is another good reason.
I never used briquettes in the WSM, always lump. Probably because I always used lump in the kettle grill. Only problem with the WSM is the charcoal grate is designed for briquettes, so a piece of expanded metal fixed that.

I like Maple Leaf and Royal Oak lump. I have seen other stuff around but I prefer not to use lump from South America since they rape the rainforests for it.

We're getting off topic here a bit, but I also love my Mac. I dont even use my pc anymore. I just picked up Fusion, so I can load up Windows, if I need it, but so far, I haven't needed it.

Chris, I thought I'd touch on the point you made, about Macs being more secure than pc's. I'm no expert, but according to Macworld, one of their editors wrote an article talking about that point in their last issue, basically statiing that they are not inherently more safe, and that Windows has actually exceeded them in the security development field lately. However, the reason most surely is due to the fact that pc's need it, since they are the target of some 97% of attacks.

I've been kicking around the idea of getting some security software on my MBP, but at this point, Im too happy with its flawless fast and quiet performance to bother.

Oh, and I've been using lump for 3 years, and only use briquettes for starter fuel.

I believe that is partially true, but Mac OS is Unix based and it doesnt allow (without your permission) executeables to run (from a bad webpage or email for example).
Thought I could sense another lump user in the "force"

No question to me that it smells and adds nice flavor. Try grilling with it.

Always nice to have a wholesale source as well!

