OK, I bought the ceramic dish


Jeff S

I have foiled it and put it in the place of the water pan. Is that it? With my vents at about 80%, I can expect to hold a temp of 225-250 through the night???? Getting ready to get rubbing now, Let me know what you all think. Thanks!
Sounds good - I'll be by for dinner - 4ish? I'll have a cooler full of Pale Ale
Jeff, the ceramic dish sits perfectly inside the stock water pan. I would foil both up and put it inside, instead of replacing the water pan all together.

Thanks, Erik. Water pan foiled from my last cook/cleanup, so I will do that! Getting ready to make my rub now. This is my first overnight cook....can you all tell I am a little excited?
Rich, come on down! You are exactly right, eating 3-4 ish! I like my quest to have a few beverages, the I am ASSURED that I get the "This is the best Q I have ever had!" Compliments!
I think you'll find that you'll only have to open your vents a little bit. Of course, every wsm is a little different, but I've found that without water, I only keep one vent open and that vent is open only about 25%. I think it's safe to say that you'll have to open your vents less than you did with water.
First several hours with my clay saucer I keep my bottom vents closed between 90 and 100% and maintain about 225 - 235 at the grate. Your results may vary.
I am 10 hours into my first "ceramic dish in the water pan" cook. I put 2 butts on last night. So far everything is going great. The biggest change was how little I need to have the vents open.

Amazing, isn't it. It takes an awful lot of energy to heat up the water and keep it hot. In the long run you'll need to use a lot less coal.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rick Angiel:
I am 10 hours into my first "ceramic dish in the water pan" cook. I put 2 butts on last night. So far everything is going great. The biggest change was how little I need to have the vents open.

Rick </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Can the brinkman pan be substituted for the stock pan when using the ceramic dish - and still get the same results?
Rick, very cool, I'm glad things are going well for you so far. If you're 10 hours in most of the opportunities for trouble are behind you. If you caught your temp on the way up and didn't have any issues you're home free! Looking forward to hearing what you think of the mod when all is said and done.

Regarding vents, I've done some long smokes with the vents open no more than 10% max the entire smoke.
I'm 1-1/2 hours into a spare ribs cook using a terra cotta saucer for the first time. I'm using the Minion method.

So far, I've observed that the temperature reacts much more to small changes in air flow through the vents than with a water pan.

It looks like I'm going to be able to stabilize the temp at around 230 with 2 bottom vents closed, 1 bottom vent open about 20% and the top vent wide open, which is pretty much the same as others have reported.

BTW, I got the Maverick Redi-Check ET-73 remote thermometer about two weeks ago. It's a God-send. I can sit in my home office and pound away on the computer while keeping tabs on the WSM temp. Being able to better control my Q temperatures using the WSM and the ET-73 has definitely improved my BBQing.

Using the MM, I got 21 hours out of Rancher. I smoked 2 butts overnight and put some spares on this AM. I am a non water convert!Q
The results of my "ceramic dish in the water pan" cook are in, and it was a rousing success. I have both a 12-inch dish that fits in the Brinkman pan, and a 14-inch dish that fits into the stock pan. This attempt was with the stock pan and the 14-inch pan. It was amazing. I finally got everything off at 20 hours, and I still have ~1/3 of a ring of charcoal left. It was an easy, consistent cook. I didn't even peek into the access door until somewhere around the 17-hour mark (sorry - I was curious and peeked). I was using some Floresta lump, locally available and packaged by the folks that bring us Picnic lump. I think I'll keep this using this method. But, I will want to try out the smaller dish next time.

So the 14 inch ceramic plate fits properly within the brinkman pan? I should have been more specific.
I have a 12-inch dish that nestles into the Brinkman pan nicely. The 14-inch pan fits nicely into the stock WSM water pan.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by dave caston:
where can this dish be pick up at? HD, walmart or a flower shop? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>YES

