Dang John! I was supposed to have finished mine before you, since I started over a year ago. Looks great!!
NICE! Save that skin for some homemade pork rinds.
Next problem.... pit sensor location. AIR FLOW...... had it sitting above and too close to one of the briskets, it was reading artificially low for most of the night, so the cook chamber was hotter than the HM thought it was. Fan & damper were 100% WFO for the entire cook so far, as far as the HM is concerned, it's never gotten up to temp.
Yes, a rigid rock wool board type. Has to withstand fairly high temps. Roxul RHT80.
And for the wool, buy a good bread knife. It cuts the wool very easily, plus, it's an easy sell with the wife. Just tell her you're buying a bread knife.